All you need do is hit the "Pay Now" button below and provide me with the name of the family that I need to target with this work. I will notify you upon completion. Let's keep your families safe.
Stay safe, warm, and blessed.
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I've been keeping an eye on the news (what little doesn't revolve around Justin Bieber and the like), and I've been seeing a great many reports of how bad weather is around the world right now. My thoughts are with you folks that are suffering through it right now, and to show this, I thought I would run another special offer through my blog. For those of you concerned for your family's safety, your jobs, your homes, your vehicles, and so on courtesy of the storms, I am offering a panel of blessing, protection, and road-opener workings in a single, affordable package. The cost is 100$, and I will run this for the next few weeks in hopes that we can get you through the storms, be they physical, emotional, or spiritual, and set you and your families on the right path. All you need do is hit the "Pay Now" button below and provide me with the name of the family that I need to target with this work. I will notify you upon completion. Let's keep your families safe. Stay safe, warm, and blessed. SE Edit: 2/17/2014 - this special has come to a close. Please contact me if you'd like to have other such work done.
![]() It's been some time since I last ran a special on my site, and with the start of the new year, I thought it wise to start us off with a bang. This time around, I am offering Ancestral Blessing mojo hands for folks so that they can start the year off right and shake off the nasty energy and frustrations that last year brought. These are geared up to get you in touch with the might of those who came before you so that you might bring honor to them while they assist you in your ventures. This will serve as a direct line of sight from them to you and from you to them so that they can influence your life as needed. These are made by me of course, and will be sold at the rate of 75$ a pop. They are just like the one I carry, though bag colors will vary in accordance with what I've got on hand.
I've got limited supplies with which to make these, so get them quick. ;) If you're interested, contact me with your name and address and let me know. Blessings! SE *Edit: As of 2/7/2014, this special has come to a close. These will be offered at a higher rate in the future and may be requested as a one-off item. ![]() I've been doing some thinking and meditating, as usual, over the past wee while and had a thought that seemed meritorious and worth sharing. I've long read and heard from spirits that awareness is the key to being successful. Sure, its a bit trite, and so it gets passed over and relegated to one's notes, but seldom to folks really think about what that actually means. I fell into that category, and never really thought much about it until I got the inspiration to do so. It occurs to me that if knowledge of a thing changes the behavior of that thing, then awareness is key to manipulating how something changes. By becoming aware of a situation, we are influencing its outcome per Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. With that in mind, it becomes readily apparent that we should cultivate awareness as best we are able. This is where meditation comes in, as its a tool that allows us to shift our awareness inward, outward, towards a specific idea or event, etc. With that in mind, if we're striving to do magic, we should be meditating our butt's off. ;) SE ![]() 2013 was a time of change, sorrow, and ultimately growth. Many hardships found their ways into our lives both on a personal level and societally, and it made for a very interesting year. With that, I can't say that I am unhappy to be saying "goodbye" to the year before, and I look to the future with high hopes, developing plans, and the drive to strive for further evolution in the coming year. It is with that in mind that I write this post, and I hope that each of you meets this new year head on, chin up, and set out to achieve greater things through will, deed, personal strength, and a bit of magic. Happy New Year folks! SE |
About the BlogThis blog serves as an extension of my day to day magical works. A journal, if you will. Categories
July 2024