As always, I hope my post finds you well. As a follow-up to my previous post on the subject of Omens, I thought I'd speak on the subject of Oneiros, and how omens through the dream world are of import.
I find that the subject of Oneiros is under-discussed, as are the obvious associations with the Witches' Sabbat in today's day and age. For whatever reason, we have a long-standing tendency to dismiss visions and portents therein as feeble attempts of our deep mind to change our views; its rather silly, incidentally, as when our deep mind communicates, we really should "listen" and try to pay attention.
This is why many authors instruct their readers to grab a pen and paper and start writing things down in a journal immediately upon waking, in fact. Sometimes, your brain is just spouting nonsense and you're left to figure out what the hell you're on about, and sometimes the information is actually vital. To sort this out, I'd suggest using divination and context clues to find out if something therein is important. For example, if you evoked a spirit the night you had a dream, something in there is probably important....its not as clear cut when you've not done any work, but that's where divination comes in.
It is for that reason that I have crafted and included a means by which you may do so, alongside a sigil to help you there. Place the sigil under your pillow and recite the charm I've woven thricefold. Then dream, wake, and write.
A Brief Prayer & Statement of Intent
Now I sleep to stir a step
Upon this road I weave
In my mind's eye in the deep I find
Fiendish things of horror and delight
But I'll not turn, nor forget, nor lie
These things I see may belie
Something far more important in the ways I work
So I'll not forget to remember when I wake

Do proceed carefully, as the dream world can, in many cases, be just as dangerous as the living world when you project.
If you follow the advice of someone else fully, you may miss the point of the dream, so bear that in mind. If you've had a visceral dream and decide you want advice, be sure to try to think it out before you seek help from another. Once you've sorted out how you feel about it, get advice and see if it fits what you think the dream means, and then go from there. Divination can easily be used by a third party to confirm or deny the meaning you ascribe to it as well.
Best of luck & happy dreaming.