Simply put, I serve the Horned God in all of His guises. I am generally not a reductionist, so there is a part of me that is pained to call Him this, as opposed to by a singular well-accepted name. He is of many names, and of many guises. Some call Him Pahupati, Shiva, or Mahakala, and others refer to Him as Cernunnos, Baphomet, or Pan. One might go so far as to refer to Him as the Witchfather, and while the names attributed to Him are numerous, no one really seems to know what He is.
Following the traditional suit, I've known Him for many, many years, but He is as much of a mystery to me now as He was to me when I was three years old. For all of the questions about who or what He is, here is but one clear and present purpose within His work: He provides and keeps the balance of Nature through His endeavors. I, being one of His servants follow suit in this. That desire and goal fuels my work, be it for pay, pro bono, or simply to fulfill my personal needs.
To that end, one might go so far as to wonder why it is that I do what I do, despite the fact that it oft wreaks havoc in my life. Simply put, it is a calling that you cannot ignore. I tried that path in the past and failed miserably, so this fact has now set me on the life I lead.
I now assist clients with various needs through the use of magic, and work to become a force for growth in my community. I, like my Patron, care not for boundaries formed through ignorance or by one's race or theological views. In turn, I work with deities of any and all persuasions, combining thaumaturgy, theurgy, and spirit work into one somewhat cohesive system of magick.
In turn, I feel as though it is important that I record this for your benefit, dear readers. One of you may well be called to do the same thing - to live in service to a deity. Know that, for those of you who do feel this pull, you are not alone. You are, regardless of tradition, one of many people who does just that.
But, keep in mind that this path is not easy. It is fraught with dangers, and can often be a bit rocky. It is not for everyone, despite being immensely rewarding. Think carefully before making the decision to serve a spirit.
If you are unsure whether or not you are called to service a deity, please feel free to message me through my "Contact Me" page. You may ask whatever questions you wish, and should you desire a reading, I can do that as well.
The Sorceror