To that end, I'm sure we've all thought, to some extent, about the methods we can use to ward our homes and places of interest. That subject becomes increasingly important as we practice more and more, as we're essentially inviting various spirits into our home to share our space. That can be fine and dandy if the entity in question likes us, but if its "mean and nasty", its time to be a great deal more careful. The same can be said for defending your home from external threats, such as thieves, vandals, peeping toms, and otherwise unsavory folk.
There are a great many ways to go about setting up wards in your home, and you can do it for a great many purposes. That is really up to you, as our spaces are as unique as we are. One could use runes, sigils, brooms over doorways, household servitors, wights, and spirits, brick dust, grave dirt, black sand, shards of black tourmaline, enchanted stones, special woodcarvings, enchanted posters, weapons, and the list goes on and on.
One of my personal favorites involves creating 4 enchanted pieces of wood or stone with the runes Thurisaz and Hagal on them. The runed pieces are then nailed to the walls inside the house, facing outwards, with the intent of discouraging anyone who means myself or my family harm from entering, as hagal breaks up their manifestations and thurisaz sets brambles and thorns upon their path. That, of course, is not the end of it, so I will type up the ritual below.
Materials Needed:
- 5 candles (they can be in whatever color you like)
- 4 stones or wooden discs
- A dremel *Optional*
- A marker *Not optional if you don't want to use a dremel*
- Matches or a lighter
- String or wire
First you will want to setup the candles such that there is one for each cardinal direction in front of you, with one candle at the center. Next to each of the "outside" candles, place the stone that will be attached to the wall that faces that particular cardinal direction.
Then you will light each of the candles, acknowledging the dwarves who hold up the the four corners of the world, as indicated below. When you finish with the cardinal directions, light the central candle and call upon the Aesir and Vanir to bless your home.
- North candle: Norði, helga ve thetta, ak hindra alla illska!
- East candle: Austri, helga ve thetta, ak hindra alla illska!
- South candle: Suðri, helga ve thetta, ak hindra alla illska!
- West candle: Vestri, helga ve thetta, ak hindra alla illska!
- Central candle: Aesir eða Vanir, helga ve thetta, ak hindra alla illska. All ye benevolent Gods, wights, and ancestral spirits, come unto me and hallow my home. Protect it from all those who would wish to do me harm!
After each of the blessed pieces has been hung up around the house, relax, have a beer, or do some other such thing that grounds you out.
The intent of the ritual above is to call in the various benevolent forces that would assist you in the goal of keeping your home safe and blessed. It is one of many different ways you can go about doing just that.
So, now I beseech you, dear readers, to give me your feedback and share any such rituals you've come up with.
The Sorceror