I leave it to you to work with as you see fit.
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For the sake of helping folks out, I thought I'd share an empowerment sigil I was gifted with by my Patron. I leave it to you to work with as you see fit. Regards,
Well folks, I'm happy to say that I've been very blessed as of late, so I just thought I'd do a bit to share the good juju. As a result, for the remainder of this month, I'll be offering blessings at half the usual rate, bringing the cost down to 25$ a pop. We can all use a bit of spring in our step, after all, so if you're interested, please use the PayPal link at the bottom of this post. :) Whether you do or do not pursue this, I hope you all enjoy yourselves despite the summer heat! Take care and warm regards,
SE ![]() Recently there's been a slew of extremely distressed folks contacting me about negative experiences they're having. In particular, there has been a rise in the number of folks who have been targeted by aggressive, ill-meaning spiritual entities. As a result, it seemed pertinent to write a bit about this topic, discuss some of the differences, and give some tips and tricks for ridding oneself of these troublesome pests. The first thing that needs to be understood is that there are a LOT of different types of spirits out there and a whole hell of a lot of gray area to deal with when defining them and their natures. Some are primarily benevolent, some are primarily malicious, and more are a smattering of those traits, mixed in with personal motivations and preferences that become readily apparent. Just as we are diverse and prone to extreme differences in behaviors, so too are spirits. Sometimes these differences are good and pleasant, and other times they can be downright frightening and damaging. In fact, its the damaging and aggressive sorts I'll be focusing on today. Aggressive spirits come in all shapes and sizes, but there are a few particularly important details that help you in figuring out how to deal with them. Specifically, figuring out what a spirit is bound to is key to learning how to rid yourself of their meddlesome influence. A spirit can be bound to three types of things:
If a spirit is bound to a living being, you're looking at a form of possession that follows an individual from place to place, usually causing trouble along the way. These issues can vary from little annoyances to causing accidents and killing your pets and almost always require an exorcism. Spirits that are bound to objects typically haunt the area around where the object is, so when the object is removed from the premises, the disruptions stop. Spirits that are bound to places are generally stuck in one place, so when you leave the area, you leave the entity's reach and thereby aren't affected by it. Bearing the above types in mind, its important to note that aggressive shades can and frequently do hitch rides on people or objects that have the appropriate charge to accommodate them. All it takes for them to do this is energy, and some sufficiently powerful entities can do this at will, so its important to be aware of this. That said, given the fact that some of these entities can "hop bodies", so to speak, its important to maintain a solid regimen of purificative and protective spiritual practices. If you don't do this, you will be easily susceptible to negative influences, possession, etc. If you should be unfortunate enough to begin experiencing a haunting that follows you around, I would recommend that you immediately begin doing the following things:
These methods will defend against most of the less potent nasty spirits provided you keep up with the practices. If, for whatever reason, those options do not work. seek professional assistance and be sure that you continue to do the work above! If you slack off and don't do this, the situation will get worse and the spirit causing trouble will take further hold. Even a professional cannot fix it with ease. Hope that information helps. Regards, SE ![]() As a follow-up to my earlier posts regarding working with one's Shadow and Luminous selves, I thought I'd talk about the importance of balance. When doing magical work that leans towards one extreme or the other, its inevitable that you'll eventually overdo it. When that happens, you'll become unbalanced and unhappy, regardless of whether you're doing good deeds or trying to be an evil prick. With the former, you usually wind up feeling burned out and unappreciated for all of your compassion, and with the latter, you usually end up being very dissatisfied with your performance or some such thing. For whatever reason, I've noticed that certain groups of people feel the need to only work with one side or the other. Left-Hand Path'ers obsess over being Thee Empowered Scumbag, and Right-Hand Path'ers obsess over being goody-two-shoes, thereby missing the forest for the trees. This is readily apparent in modern Western magical practices, particularly when folks are out for power. My point, in talking on this, is that going through the Abyss to gain power is only part of the journey to be taken. In order to be successful, you need to go through both the darkness and the light in succession (in whatever order you choose), and then figure out how to reconcile the two. If you stick around in one extreme or another, either out of fear or out of some misguided belief that you've somehow become a God, you'll lose yourself in it and go no further. The point of the whole journey is to learn to understand, comprehend, and eventually use BOTH sides, rather than just one. Truth is potent and, when understood and wielded appropriately, it can be an incredible tool, but that requires wisdom. Just as truth isn't found in extremis, so too is that the case with wisdom. We see this imagery within the figure of the Baphomet, in fact. Its both male, female, and neither simultaneously. If the Qliphoth is female and the Sephiroth is male (Asherah and Yahweh, respectively), alone they are unfulfilled and left wanting, but united they are able to create and destroy as a pair since they know what's above and below - finding the space where Heaven and Hell meet is necessary if you're to control both sides. Just something to think on. Regards, SE Note of Caution: This blog post, while a follow-up to my earlier post about Shadow Work, is just as dangerous. The information contained herein will likely spark off changes that will be difficult to deal with. This is not something to be performed by the faint of heart, so if you aren't well-rounded and reasonably skilled, I'd suggest that you skip reading this post. Still sticking 'round? Ok, here we go.... Just as one's shadow contains all of the negative crap that we shuffle away, our "Luminous Self", for want of a better term that doesn't sound fluffy and annoying, embodies the gentle and compassionate nature of human beings. Its the virtuous side that cares about the well-being of others. truth, decency, etc. By embodying these virtues, we naturally balance out the negative we experience in our lives. However, by aspecting only the luminous self, one becomes just as imbalanced as they would by focusing on embodying the negative aspects of their self. That said, as before, I will provide a ritual outline and sigils for invoking or evoking each aspect of your luminous self. The Ritual Outline
The Luminous Keys If you choose to follow this path I've laid out here, good luck. You will need it. As mentioned previously, should you need help, feel free to contact me. Regards, SE Note of Caution: You should be aware that even so much as writing this article has proven to be very disruptive and problematic. If you are particularly sensitive to negativity, I would suggest that you promptly mark this entry as read (assuming you use an app like Feedly) and move on with your life. I'll be discussing some pretty negative stuff here. You're welcome to stick around and read through this, but if you do, it may spark off some pretty noticeable changes. Proceed at your own risk. Still sticking 'round? Ok, down to business.... ![]() In response to a series of questions a long-time client of mine has posed, I have decided to talk a bit about shadow work, the associated risks and implications, and the possible benefits of doing the Work. Herein will be a few methodologies that one can use to engage their Shadow and progress past their limitations. Before I start, I must stress that this Work is FAR more dangerous and advanced than anything I've written about previously - hence the warning at the top of this post. This isn't stuff you do for fun. It isn't something you do out of convenience either. Its something you do when you don't have a choice. We're complicated creatures, and there are times that we seem to be half angel, half demon. We've got a side of us that wants to lie, cheat, steal, murder, rape, drink, and drug ourselves into a stupor. Its dedicated, in many of us, to taking the easy way out and gets a thrill out of harming someone else in the process. We've also got a side to us that's good-natured, caring, compassionate, loving, and aspires to doing good deeds for the benefit of others. Its a lot like the story of the two wolves, pictured below. We're all different, and some of us have an easier time tapping one of those wolves over the other. That's natural and normal, but it just because its the way of things doesn't mean that you're doomed towards dealing with one specific side. ![]() In the end, its a bit like dealing with the angel on one shoulder and the demon on the other. (Much like Kronk in The Emperor's New Groove) In the Nature VS Nurture argument, the eventual realization is that our leanings are a product of Nature and Nurture, and as a result, eventually choice has a great deal to do with it. In my experience, I have found that strength comes from being able to utilize the powers of both sides while still keeping them in balance. This is why we have rites like the Banishing Rituals of the Hexagram, Middle Pillar, grounding, and centering exercises. Most everyone is familiar with the "Holy Self" or "Higher Self" in one form or another - some even go so far as to call it the "Holy Guardian Angel". The other half isn't really talked about. Your shadow, on the other hand, (also known as your Evil Genius, Evil Daemon, or doppelganger) is the part of you that's typically kept deep inside of you. It serves the functionality of a spiritually alive storehouse for all of your worst traits, your fears, your insecurities, It represents the abused, the liars, the broken, and the incomplete. The shadow is comprised of pure, unadulterated fucked-upedness, and working with it is often one hell of an unpleasant ride...... Your shadow makes even the denizens of the Qliphothic shells look cute and cuddly - this is doubly so if you've been through extreme trauma in your past. Working with one's shadow, however, can be very fulfilling when one's reached the appropriate stage of awareness and ability - knowledge of and communication with your HGA is mandatory. Mastering it does have its benefits, though mastery of one's shadow is an ongoing process that is repeated as one lives his or her life. Its a set of practices that can, eventually, lead to some amazing realizations about one's self and the universe around them, and, as a result, be a major reservoir of power that can be tapped on demand. Below is a ritual format through which one can connect to, work with, and overcome the portions of their shadow. It follows a strict flow and I would not recommend straying from it, lest you endanger yourself. The sigils for each part of the shadow self can be found at the bottom of this article, and I would suggest that you only utilize one at a time. Do not draw them unless you intend to use them. Ritual Outline
The Shadow Sigils If you choose to follow this path I've laid out here, good luck. You will need it.
As mentioned previously, should you need help, feel free to contact me. Regards, SE Folks, if you haven't received a response to your inquiry you submitted, it's because you typed your email address wrong. There's been a rash of email returned due to the wrong email addresses lately, so if you haven't heard from me, please resubmit your query with the correct contact info. Regards, SE
About the BlogThis blog serves as an extension of my day to day magical works. A journal, if you will. Categories
July 2024