Today, I have a meditation for you which is meant to assist you in becoming aware of this flow so that you might use it to your advantage. To get started, perform the usual of finding a calm, quiet place in which you can become comfortable and focused.
Breathe deeply, in and out, with every breath following a smooth current that takes on a life of its own. Do not attempt to control this flow. Simply observe it and your body’s natural rhythm - this autonomic process is an aspect of your body’s flow. The microcosm reflects the infinite macrocosm & the same is true in reverse.
As you pay attention to your breath and become aware of its rhythm, attempt to lean into this and deep dive into yourself. As your breathing continues, feel this flow all around you. Let it overtake you and follow it willingly, letting this current steer you. Remain in this state for as long as is comfortable.
When you’ve completed this meditation, ground yourself out by walking around, eating chocolate, playing with a pet, or performing other forms of self-care. Rituals like this are simple, yet powerful.