"I know of no higher fortitude than stubbornness in the face of overwhelming odds."
-Louis Nizer

I would recommend that you work on recovery, healing, and courage during this time of trials and tribulations. Your journey isn't over yet, so you don't want to get burned out.
Thus, as you endure, I suggest taking mundane steps too. Take care of your physical and emotional well-being.
On a personal note, this is a favorite card of mine, as it comes up frequently, and in different ways. Being strong isn't about being able to lift a heavy load once, but rather being able to lift that load and continue doing so. We've all seen the athlete whose in for a sprint, but ducks out of a marathon....life is a marathon, and while you might be permitted to lay down your load from time to time, that is not a common thing.
So when the going gets you down, find something that acts as a liniment for your soul, a shelter from the storm, and a source of peace.