"It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live."
-Marcus Aurelius
Some time ago, I mentioned in passing how life can periodically seek to reduce you to nothing. When this happens, and you find yourself hitting or approaching rock bottom, you're experiencing the Fool's Journey as it plays out in your life. The same applies as you achieve greater things in life, as we all feel as though we're starting over at one point or another. Sometimes, the positive event that can leave you feeling this way is a promotion or change in social group - it can feel disarming and alarming.
The Fool's Journey is a pervasive motif, and we can all learn from it and use it. Its not a strict procession, but rather a guideline.
This series of articles seeks to guide you and enrich your life. You're welcome to consider these articles and the tips therein a pathworking if this works for you.
Happy reading/growing.