The holiday season is fast approaching once again, and with it comes the Winter. While Winter's coming down the pipes, I find that there's an element of homemaking and care that becomes considerably more important as a result, so I'd like to talk a bit about what you can do to empower yourself and do this more effectively.
In the States, there's a pretty strong tradition of the Holidays being a time when women work the hardest. They clean the home for guests, cook meals for family, plan outings and get-togethers, coordinate activities for children, and essentially handle the lion's share of all there is to occur and manage at the home. This is HARD work, its important work, and its something that I don't see a whole lot of chatter about in the magical world.
In the Norse traditions, there's an aged Goddess who is both gentle and stern, wonderful and willful. She caretakes the home, handles the hearth, cooks a hell of a meal, and acts as a wonderful hostess. I received direction from her recently while partaking in a Winter Nights rite to honor the departed ancestors. This Goddess asked that I use my position to empower women, as far too little is known or discussed about female deities that aren't either a) sexy and interesting, or b) associated with childbirth and motherhood. There's not much of an in-between getting explored, yet that is where the real magic of maintaining and growing occurs.
As such, I am starting upon this with Frigga, the All-Mother of Norse Heathenry. She's the wife of Odin, the God of War, the Lead of the Wild Hunt, and a God of Runic Sorcery. She's a badass in her own right: she's as fierce as the day is long, as warm as a fire on a winter's day, and as compassionate and loving as any mother should be.
This is a woman and Goddess I personally look up to, as she's taught me many things that I never thought I wanted to know. I've come to her for inspiration around sewing, painting, cooking, mothering my critters, being a better father, and being a better husband. Now, I bring to you a blot (pronounced "bloat") in her honor that you can perform to bring her influence into your home.
"Frigga, All Mother and Wife of Odin, I call out to you this day.
Come to me and enjoy the warmth of my home and space,
Bringing your gifts of wisdom and mature love
So that I might learn from you and better care for my family.
She of the happy hearth and busy hall,
Breadmaker, seamstress, and maker of mead.
Gracious gifter of bounty and bond,
I ask that you join me and help me
Lead my family rightly."
When you've completed this prayer, light a candle for her, pour her some wine, and then start working on home-bound tasks. Cook dinner, budget, play with your kids, as all of these things are sacred to her and are means of invoking her aid. I most strongly find her present when I'm away from work, focusing on mundane tasks that need doing in a consistent, regular fashion.
When I do so, my home becomes a kind of crossroads, and spirit and human alike are left feeling inspired, happier, and more joyous. Its a simple enough thing, but its simple enough to overlook in turn.
Hail Frigga.