So enjoy yourselves. Be merry and nostalgic. Drink in the fruits of your labors and be safe.
Blessed All Hallow's to all.
This is the time when spooky things rule and go bump in the night, for the Veil is at its thinnest point. This is the time for honoring one's Ancestors, to thank those who came before us. This is the time to work both long-term magic for the following year and quickly give flight to wishful thinking and rapidly manifesting goals. So enjoy yourselves. Be merry and nostalgic. Drink in the fruits of your labors and be safe. Blessed All Hallow's to all. SE
Different magical systems have their own means of strengthening the spirit and mind. So too do they have their own means of conveying knowledge, lineaged information, power, and so forth. This post seeks to provide a toolkit to do just that in hopes that those of you who are able to proceed and utilize the information herein will be able to use what you gain to both change your life and the world around you for the better. The sigil above is just that; a tool, a gateway, an invocation. Its intention is to set wheels in motion and dial up a source of occult knowledge and power. If you can figure out how to use it, do so, and you'll notice a definite shift in consciousness that'll play out in a way appropriate for you.
If you are not ready to use it, you will not have the required amount of skill, and thereby have something to work towards. Cordially, SE I received an email some time ago questioning the potential pitfalls of walking the paths I laid out when talking about working with the Shadow and Luminous Selves, as well as reconciling the two. I've debated on what to write here, and even whether or not it should be posted, for quite some time. Its a sensitive bit of work, to be sure, and its something that people, as a general rule, have to sort out for themselves due to the nature of the beast. Even still, it seems appropriate to talk in further detail. That said, to start, this is the email I sent to the individual in question: Well, what we experience when going through and working with the benevolent and wrathful sides of ourselves is intensely personal. So too is this the case when we work to unite and reconcile the two. Some experience delusions of grandeur, extreme despair and depression, suicidal episodes, loss of jobs, friends abandoning them, or being cast out of their homes. Others simply experience strong, unexpected shifts from being lucky to extremely unlucky. I experienced radical changes in how I viewed people, things, locations, etc. and it changed how I interact with people. As indicated in my email, posted above, when you do this sort of work, you're effectively looking to face reality from two diametrically opposed perspectives, then trying to reconcile the two and find Truth. Consider, for a moment, what that actually means....
You're looking to effectively combine Fire and Ice and learn to make something from it. This is no small feat. Its a hell of a lot like going for a magical Big Bang....and of course, work like that is going to attract attention; some of it'll be good, some of it'll be bad, but rest assured, if you want to make some waves, that's one way to get that done. This isn't just some casual, simple, clean cut line of work that you can light a candle for and be done with...that's not the way this works. When you do start down this path, you're in it for the long haul. There aren't any oaths to consider, really, or even any pacts, save for the one that you are making with yourself. If you get stopped up and scared, you're going to be fucked until you decide to make a change and either regress or push through. There are very real dangers of delusion and the use of magical workings that will befuddle you and cause you to do stupid things. You're going to be setting the wheels of fate in motion, and you can't just exclaim "stop the world, I wanna get off!" and be doesn't work like that. Even still, the rewards are crazy, unthinkable, and sometimes downright strange in a happy sort of way. Serendipitous events occur like crazy, you can start getting some really interesting and quickly-manifesting results, and you will look at things differently. You're not going to be seeing the world with the same eyes anymore, but that is a blessing and a curse. You're not going to be the same old [insert your name here] anymore. Your relationships will change, and you will be put on a different path. This isn't something for the faint of heart, so if this is something you're drawn towards, proceed carefully. If the burden gets to be too much, you will need outside help to get you back up on your own two feet, but even then, it'll be a matter of things being your responsibility. You can't be the king or queen of your domain and expect autonomy from the servants, and this gets to be strikingly true when you're managing the denizens of both heaven and hell. Best of luck. Cordially, SE get you and yours through the day, month, year, and so forth. Folks have been having some really rough times as of late...many to the point where they feel as they don't have anyone to turn to for help. It's a sad state of affairs to be sure, and things aren't looking up on a global scale. I mean, we're practically on the brink of WWIII and an economic collapse. We've got folks in the world's governing bodies bickering over various deals that'll affect how we're able to live life for years to come. As a result of my dealings with clients and inward contemplations, I thought it appropriate to write a short prayer. It's open to anyone, of any creed or paradigm, and all it takes is a bit of focus and energy: The world rotates, bound but turning We're all here on this giant rock, so we're going to work things out or perish. I hope that this prayer, while simple, ends up helping. Even if it only touches 10 people, that still may be enough to change the world for the better. So please, integrate it into your practice. If you know anyone else who might be able to use it, please forward it to them.
Most of all, enjoy and stay safe folks. Regards, SE A recent bit of discussion with some friends, acquaintances, and folks I do not know raised the topic of working within a magical group recently, and I thought it bore discussion here.
Group workings can take many shapes and forms; they can be long term deals with folks you know really well, one-off workings done at the spur of the moment, or anywhere in-between. They can be done as part of a coven, magical order, brotherhood, sisterhood, etc. and often have specific rules of engagement attached per the individual(s) directing the group in question. For as common as it is, I find it to be interesting that few ever really seem to discuss the specifics regarding the personal effects of engaging in such practices. There seems to be a widespread assumption that its no different than solitary workings, and that's about as much discussion as I ever see on the subject. That being the case, it sees pertinent to discuss some of my own observations here; as always, feel free to disagree. Before I get started on the specifics, I should note that my experiences and observations come from the vantage point of someone who has been largely solitary for the better part of his life. I don't gravitate towards working with(in) large groups of people, as it really doesn't fit my style. The way I see it is that if one is subject to the views of another person, he or she will go no further than the teacher. As a result, I've always been the sort to listen closely to what someone has to say, and then question the everliving crap out of it. I like to think that its made me a fairly effective sorcerer, but its the very reason that I've never been a part of one of the more well-known magical orders that seem to crop up frequently in these sorcerous circles. My experiences with group work have been, largely, limited to workings and pursuits with close friends, involvement in a uniquely screwed up cult, short-lived planetary magical groups, and a heathen kindred that I wrote a few rituals for (and participated in several written by others). That's about it, as I find myself dubious of the intentions of others, as well as generally unwilling to trust in their skills. I am a bit of a control freak, and I know better than to allow myself to get roped into working in ways that are going to come around and bite me in the arse later. Trouble is, that mindset generally sets you apart from the folks you might gravitate towards. Greater knowledge really does leave you out on an island, so there are times where you have to weigh the risks of working with folks who may not know what they are doing and, as a result, might cause you some trouble in the future. That is the purpose of this post, as I find folks are generally unaware of how the actions of others they are tied to can affect them. This is doubly true when dealing with magic. When things go wrong and you've been a part of a major group working, even if it is something as simple as doing healing work for a person, you are directly responsible for the things that happen as a result. This is for both positive and negative actions, and all of these actions are tied to you, affecting how you are going to interact with society, and with these people, in the future. Karma isn't some abstract thing that mandates that every action's effects will come around threefold, but it is instead directly related to the debts created by your actions. Everything you do has ripples that expand outwards, and sometimes the momentum created by those actions (or inactions) cause unintended effects a long time down the road, catching you completely off guard. When this happens, its important to take responsibility for the things you caused and then deal with the situation in an appropriate and responsible way. Sometimes, the way you do this is going out and cutting the ties. As an example of one such occurrence in my life, well over a year and a half ago, when I was still a part of a heathen kindred in AZ, I led a blot (Norse rite) on Freyfaxi for the God Freyr. I remember knowing, for some reason, that if two of my friends participated in the rite they'd be getting pregnant with their third child. I even warned them as such, but still proceeded with the rite like any good heathen'd do. Lo and behold, these two folks got pregnant, just as I predicted, they had their child and suffered all of the associated boons and ills. I even babysat the little one when the mom had a fever, after I took her and her husband to the hospital. I was at the little guy's funeral after he had died of crib death. I am, as a result, directly or indirectly responsible for the changes he caused in the lives of his parents. I am responsible, as a result, for the effects the birth, care of, and death of the child had on my ex-wife and everyone else we knew, all because I lead a blot. As a result, my orlog and wyrd did get all sorts of dorked up, just from this singular event....never mind all of the actions I took as a result of leading the blot. I had to make a point of going back and cutting the ties created and tying off the threads that would lead me down roads I don't want to go. I had to separate myself from the threads of the aforementioned folks, as I no longer wished to be tied to them and their actions, and even that action has had consequences of its own. Such are the consequences of any group working, and this is only one such example. I hope it serves to illustrate what can happen when you work and bond with others, and with any luck, this'll give you cause to think about how you proceed. Very little in this world is trivial, and there are times where even helpful actions that bring you a lot of joy can bring you a great deal of sorrow down the line. When your actions have unintended consequences, you will need to wisely take steps to separate yourself from the situation and/or work to remedy it as directed by your divinatory exercises. When in doubt, seek out someone who can read the threads of fate and act accordingly. Just something to think on. Regards, SE Lately, an increasing number of people have been coming to me for assistance in pacting with spirits and I've had to turn them away. I'm certain that in each case I have been viewed as being uncaring and, well, a bit heartless, but I thought I'd write a post for folks here to both explain why and give others something to think about. Pacting is an interesting and difficult subject to speak on without dredging up a strong response from both naysayers and folks who are all for it. Unfortunately, it is my experience that very few people on either side of the aisle actually have any idea what they are talking about, as they haven't been through it themselves. As a result, they end up spouting off at the mouth, using hearsay and paraphrases from some friend of a friend or some author that may or may not have actually been in the trenches. It keeps the mystery of the subject alive, but it doesn't actually cut through the minutia and get to the heart of the matter. I will, in this post, attempt to provide a bit more insight on that front. Those who are drawn to pacts are often the disillusioned, dejected, and desperate; they feel as though its a quick fix for their world weary minds and hearts that'll suddenly alleviate their fears and concerns. They're willing to gamble everything when they feel that they have nothing. This devil-may-care attitude, while often understandable given the individual circumstances, is the worst position one can be in when working out an agreement. Just as the advice of "don't shop when you're hungry and don't date when you're horny" is appropriate, so too is the idea that one should not make deals when desperate. Its incredibly tempting, and it seems like the quick fix, but its also a surefire way to get the short end of the stick and the raw end of the deal. This is just as true in the mundane world as it is in the spirit world. Instead, I would recommend pacting when in a position of relative balance and power. Do it with a clear head, and do it when you know what you can and cannot count on so that you can forge an agreement that won't be quite so likely to come around and bite you in the ass later. If you don't follow this methodology, you're, in my experience, merely deferring the pain and discomfort to a later date. Cowardice is its own punishment and you can't avoid taking your lumps. It is far better to rip the bandage off quickly rather than set yourself up for another unexpected failure later on down the road. Learn your lesson and then fix your situation through less grandiose means so that you can get a better deal later on down the road. I have, in my life, made a lot of pacts. I've evoked a fair few spirits, both for myself and for clients, and I've spent a lot of time in the trenches with things that'd make a "normal" person's blood curdle. I've, as a result, had plenty of results that were exactly what I asked for but not at all what I wanted, and when that's been the case, its because I acted out of desperation. My advice to you, as a result, is to fix the situation with frequent offerings and small microenchantments that lead you towards the fix you seek. Don't try to pull out the big guns with forces you don't know well. Even when I am the intermediary for folks who want pacts, the spirits know exactly what the client wants and what the client is willing to give - that makes it very difficult to work out a deal that isn't one-sided. I hope this post has been helpful and illuminating, and I wish you the best of luck in these troubled, uncertain times. Cordially, SE |
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July 2024