Folks have been having some really rough times as of late...many to the point where they feel as they don't have anyone to turn to for help. It's a sad state of affairs to be sure, and things aren't looking up on a global scale.
I mean, we're practically on the brink of WWIII and an economic collapse. We've got folks in the world's governing bodies bickering over various deals that'll affect how we're able to live life for years to come.
As a result of my dealings with clients and inward contemplations, I thought it appropriate to write a short prayer. It's open to anyone, of any creed or paradigm, and all it takes is a bit of focus and energy:
The world rotates, bound but turning
The telluric currents beneath our feet
Flowing, shifting, pushing, and pulling
We struggle and fight our way through
This is a call to the World Souls
This is a cry from within
Hear us, know us, touch us, hold us
Guide us through the storm
Show us and our ilk the worn paths of old
And aide us in healing this plight
Enlighten the folk and bless the land
Learn us and mend our ways
Break ill ties and forge the realms anew
Most of all, enjoy and stay safe folks.