That being the case, its a practice that the Ancients took seriously, so why don't we?
If you don't feel that you have the skills to figure it out yourself, you should be talking to someone who does know what they're doing and won't blow smoke up your arse by telling you what you want to hear. You want someone honest, direct, and, let's face it, blunt. Sugar-coating things obscures the seemingly hard edge of relative truth and waters it down, and that's really not helpful in the long run.
If you're a witch, sorcerer, magician, etc/whatever, neglecting the practice will get you into hot water. If instead of checking to see if conjuring [X] to do [Y] will get you the result you seek, you just charge in unawares, you may well do irreparable damage to the person(s) you seek to help, oust yourself from your job, or dork up the relationship you're trying to mend. You might just be setting yourself up for failure, so running blind is really just a terrible idea.
Rant aside, there are a great many methods that one can use to sort things out. You've got the staples of modern magical practice, such as tarot, runes, ogham, geomancy, and i-ching, and then the more obscure practices of hydromancy, divining by pendulum, necromanteia, reading wax, divining by spilled liquid, tea leaves, and so forth, so the toolbox you can pick from isn't exactly tiny, and you can combine various methods to get at the truth. For every method I've mentioned, there are at least thrice-fold more, and many of those methods can be taught by spirits such as Vassago, Bune, Freyja, Wotan, Rudra, and so forth. Many spirits have their own methods, in fact, as do many clans of spirits. Point is that so long as you aren't lazy about it, there's a lot of ways to get it done.
When in doubt, invoke or evoke a spirit that you trust to help you figure things out. There are plenty of examples of folks doing this in the mythical texts, and many deities will have their own interesting insights into the way to read the cards/runes/i-ching/etc.
For example, if I were trying to figure out how to help a male client seduce someone and I didn't understand the runes, I'd invoke Oðin, explain my intentions, then get His input. For a female, I'd talk to Freyja, Frigga, or Idun, depending on the disposition of the client in question. If looking to hunt down a client's competition, Skaði'd be my go-to-girl. For matters of fertility and abundance, Thor and Freyjr are likely best.
Involving different spirits at different times can help you to get a different vantage point on the situation, so its a useful pastime when in doubt.
Happy Divining, you lot! ;)