I've worked with spirits out of the Lemegeton on and off for many, many years. I've not spoke much on the subject herein, as it stands, but as a result of some very heavy work I've been doing, I felt it appropriate to test the waters with some new wares to be provided on a first come, first served basis.
It's come to my attention that folks are looking for ways to involve these spirits in their lives in a low-maintenance sort of way to attract love, lust, better business opportunities, divinatory prowess, and so on and so forth into their lives through the agencies of spirits who might not be overly concerned with the how and why of a goal. In essence, people are looking for spirits that achieve a goal quickly and unceremoniously. These wrathful (which is to say "aggressive") hands fit the bill perfectly.
As a result, I have decided to offer, in short supply, Goetic mojo hands to those select few who would be interested in such an opportunity. I have, at the present, the materials necessary to create six of these charms.
The goals associated with them will be as follows, and only one of each will be made at this time:
- Money - Bune - Sold
- Lust - Asmodeus - Sold
- Divinatory Prowess - Marbas
- Protection - Andromalius
- Luck - Vassago - Sold
- Obstacle Removal - Samigin - SPF
Each customer will be limited to one mojo bag, and I would request that you update me with your successes along the way.
These will be available at the price of 75$ each, plus shipping. I am more than willing to ship these to folks outside of the Continental United States, but know that once the bag leaves my hands, I cannot be held responsible for its safe arrival given customs in other countries. Be sure that these are legal for you to own in your area and that you are of legal age.
If you're interested, Contact Me so I can calculate shipping charges for you and then we'll go from there.
Warm regards,
Edit - 5/19/2013: Vassago mojo hand is sold
Edit - 5/31/2013: Asmodeus and Bune hands have been sold
Edit: 6/1/2013: Samigin hand is SPF