The topic at hand, today, is that of weapons. More specifically, the topic is on the rather touchy subject of blessing weapons such that they have their intended effect, without all of the rather annoying malfunctions that might occur.
I recently acquired a new handgun, and, thanks to that acquisition, I was faced with the task of blessing the weapon and the associated munitions. This is a subject I see and hear little about, despite the fact that in today's times, we should really be ever-aware of the fact that we live in a dangerous world. There are times where we, as human beings, will require the ability to defend ourselves and our families from harm.
Before I get into too much detail on the subject, I should note that I, for one, abhor violence, as it oft causes more problems then it solves. If at all possible, I'd advise one to flee a dangerous situation rather then get involved, but, unfortunately, that is not always a possibility. If the possibility of escape is zero, and you must respond with force, your defensive tools had better bloody well work.
That need, of course, is what leads me to this post. Of course there are plenty of mundane ways by which one might ensure that their weapon or tool is in working order. For example, if you possess a firearm, remain dutiful about field stripping and cleaning the gun, for disrepair and abuse can lead to a fancy looking paperweight with more jams then proper fires. If you own a knife, you should keep it properly lubricated and sharpened, as well as ensure that you keep an eye on the structural integrity therein. Should the item be an axe, keep it sharpened and oiled to prevent rust, and ensure that there is no rot in the haft. The examples of such routine, mundane maintenance are endless, so once that has been attended to, we are left with utilizing spiritual means to better our chances.
One can utilize magick in a great many ways when it comes to blessing our weapons. It is important to note, firstly, that you must first have it with you. You may have the single best piece of equipment in the world, but it will do you no good if it is not with you. So, in turn, we should perform enchantments that make it easier to keep the weapon with us. This can be as simple as blessing it with invisibility, such that it is easier to carry without being noticed by others, or you could enchant for accuracy when shooting or throwing, or, if its an edged tool, you can enchant for sharpness. The possibilities are nigh-endless, depending on your level of creativity.
To that end, below are sample rites that are similar to the ones used to bless my gun and my bullets.
Blessing a Firearm:
Materials Needed:
- Firearm
- 1 purple candle (representing will - tied to the Jupiterian sphere)
- 1 red candle (representing applied force and war - tied to the Martial sphere)
- 1 black candle (representing obstacles, for you are stopping attackers in their tracks - tied to the Saturnine sphere)
Remove the clip from the gun, if it has one, and make sure that the weapon is clear. You do not want to have burning candles anywhere near a loaded gun, if only because of Murphy's law. It's a basic safety precaution to ensure that you do not shoot yourself, or anyone else. As always, make sure you follow the basic safety precautions with your firearm, as I will not be held accountable for any mistakes you make.
Create sacred space in the area in which you are going to do the rite. Situate the gun such that it is in the middle of a triangle made by the three candles. The purple candle should be at the apex of the triangle, with the red on the left leg, and the black on the right leg. Then you will sit down and make yourself comfortable. Meditate, say mantras, and do whatever it takes for you to feel comfortable and ready for ritual work.
Once you are comfortable and ready, you will say a prayer similar to the following, changing the God as you will to fit your particular system of belief.
"Ullr, God of the Hunt, I ask that you bless this weapon with your skill in marksmanship. Cause it to be ever-accurate when in my hands, and grant me the ability to hit the target I seek."
Once that has been done, focus on the energies of your chosen deity, and watch as they intermingle with the physical frame of your firearm. When you are satisfied with the rite, close the rite and ground yourself out.
Blessing Bullets:
Materials Needed:
- Bullets
Set yourself up in an area that you can be comfortable but will not be bothered by interruptions. Place the bullets on the altar or workspace, create sacred space, and then begin to meditate, say mantras, etc. Get yourself in the mood to work magick.
Once you are ready, focus on the bullets and begin to chant Thurisaz, the rune of directed force. Let the runic energies permeate each bullet, causing them to be pinpoint accurate, and able to direct the maximum amount of force into your intended target. When you are satisfied with the energetic change of the bullets, ground out and close the ritual.
As always, use the above rites with your own caution. I am noting these for informational purposes only, and will not be held accountable for your use or misuse thereof.
Enjoy, and happy hunting!