I've been inspired to write a bit more on spiritual self-development today, this time in relation to a specific mental exercise. I thought I'd share a tool that I use to further develop my own senses and sharpen my awareness!
I think we're all in agreement that the way you view a situation is incredibly important, yes? (If you disagree, I'd be curious to read your assessment of why that's not important in the comments below!) How we contend with a situation is reflective of our perception of the situation at play, so when we come to a tangled knot in our own lives, a fresh new perspective can be a godsend. It can be the difference between doing the same thing over and over again or finding a more appropriate set of actions & reactions that can lead to better results.
The technique is simple enough to understand and apply, but its not terribly easy. Its something of a developed skill, as it requires a substantial amount of awareness. Additionally, it is necessary that we be willing to look at what are sometimes incredibly emotionally charged scenarios without bias as a means of getting through to the heart of a matter. There's a kind of internal sincerity that one needs to develop for this to work, but the act of developing that dedication to this process that makes it so incredibly powerful.
To do this, first you must be willing to face your own perspective of a given situation. Sit down with yourself and observe the circumstances before you. Take five minutes to do this, and then note your thoughts and observations. Next, I want you to do the same thing for the next most important person in a given scenario, and try to look at the situation from their point of view before noting what you expect their thoughts and feelings to be about the matter in front of you. You'll then repeat this process until you've looked at this from the perspectives of all of those who are central to the circumstantial stage in front of you. As you do this, you'll notice that you become more aware of what others think and feel about x, y, and z, and its that newfound awareness that can lead to you being better able to anticipate the needs of others.
This is something of a superpower, as if you don't lose sight of the perspective other people have in your life, you won't lose sight of what's important to them. If you can keep that awareness in mind, you'll find that your actions more naturally account for what they need and want, which correlates to others being more willing to provide you with what you seek. So much of the stubbornness we see in others stems from resentment related to not being understood, so this act of being able to read the waters through this kind of projected introspection makes it so much easier to avoid unnecessary troubles along the way.
The other aspect of this process is that it leads to a greater capacity to anticipate the needs of others on a psychic level. This awareness is directly connected to empathic cognizance, so by working on the development of these perceptive faculties, you'll eventually find that you can do the same with spirits. As such, doing this is very much in line with developing the skillset necessary for interacting with and learning from spirits. Its something of a win/win. ;)
Blessings to you guys & gals. Stay safe.