Recently, I spent some time talking to a friend about the nature of life experiences and how they seem to redefine us over time. Its as though experience gradually takes hold and inspires us to see the world differently, and so it is that as we grow, we "level up". This process of leveling up gives us the opportunity to contend with new responsibilities and make ourselves into better men and women.
In this, there is a kind of XP mechanic not unlike what one sees in video games, so this got me thinking. While we cannot see the experience bar anywhere on our HUD, acts of experience-gain are pretty much the same in life as they are in a video game. The more challenging the quest, the more experience you gain and, typically, the better the reward.
For me, that concept is definitely a bit of a motivator, as I am very much in love with the idea of progress and growth. I find that both directly contribute to our quality of life, where slowing down and choosing not to do much directly hampers our life experiences. The less we do, the less we are motivated to do, and the more insulated from the world we become, the more out-of-touch with it we learn to be.
I find this awareness to be rather inspiring, as when we begin to see different challenges as being a means of gaining XP and growing, they become exciting. If instead of going to another boring Monday meeting to get funding for a project, we're going on a quest to convince the Powers That Be to partake of an important venture for the good of the Kingdom, the humdrum becomes kind of epic in its proportions....or at least in how we view them.
That shift in perception is an act of magic, just as growing to confront these obstacles before you is! These little bits of magic become a matter of gaining XP, leveling up, and learning to be a better whatever-you-choose-to-be. Its a bit silly on the surface, but what's the harm in choosing to see these engagements as epic adventures? It might just give you more reason to strive, to try, and to prevail.
Something about this makes me smile, and I hope the same for you. Be safe and be blessed folks.