"When you are not fed love on a silver spoon, you learn to lick it off knives,"
- Lauren Eden
It's possible for a person to become so accustomed to being in pain that they don't necessarily see even the remotest possibility of things ever getting better. When this happens, trauma becomes a part of consensus reality for the individual; if it is or becomes the most resonant experience a person has, it becomes the root of their existence and a part of reality as they experience it & expect it to be.
The implications of this are both staggering and extraordinarily wide-reaching, as this happens in all areas of life. This can affect us socially, romantically, financially & in a myriad of other ways too. It's not something you can ignore; the scars will shape you from the inside.
It's for this reason that Shadow Work is incredibly necessary. Therapy & healing too, as when we exist within a traumatized, triggered state over a long term, it changes and rewires us. It modifies the way we feel and how we respond to opportunity, so experiencing the possibility of "different" becomes a means of completely overhauling your status quo.
This then directly and indirectly impacts consensus reality on the whole, as broken people break other people. It's simple fact, as the lore unhealed & unresolved trauma people have, the more they tend to hurt and harm other people and create new traumas. By working through these pains and difficulties we hold inside, we make a point of bettering the reality we exist in. We change the fundamental nature of the world around us and make it better while simultaneously making our own experience better too. It's a win/win situation and this capacity to change what's within makes magick an incredibly powerful tool during these internal journeys!
Blessings, folks!