As serpentine spirits are directly associated with flow, mind this when working with them. Yesterday, the world saw a total Solar Eclipse over Chile & Argentine, and come July 7th, Mercury will be in retrograde. Chiron will follow on the 8th, and the Moon will gradually fill until the 16th.
These are, objectively, small movements of the timepiece that is the Universe, but those ticks can be felt by each and every once of us. Where the Solar Eclipse creates change and a temporary darkening, working with this energy in an intentional, intelligent way can likewise create eclipsing changes in your life.
We see like changes with Mercury, for it assists medical care, communication, technology, and social interactions. When its influence darkens each retrograde, we feel that as luck decreasing & troubles approaching.
Both serpents & stars have two sides and dual natures. As you experience the dual nature of these astrological shifts, consider that they too are reflective of the current within which you are wading. These energies with which you are awash have extremes to them, and if a spiritual manifestation can be polarizingly negative, it can too be incredibly awesome.
Making it so is a matter of mindfulness, awareness, and willfully working within that flow. Bear this in mind.