In meditation, you're essentially working to cultivate an awareness of ________. That big blank can be whatever you want it to be, and it will change according to your needs, wants, practices, and practical applications. If you're suffering from anxiety and fear, then the most primarily useful focus is on coming to grips with what's happening in your life through said meditation.
If, however, your focus is on Serpent Sorcery, then that which fills in this blank is a meditation I'll share here.
To get started, settle yourself in to a place in which you are comfortable & feel rooted, grounded, and ready. Whatever anxieties you would regularly have should be as absolutely minimal as possible, as meditations like these do generate changes in the areas of your mind responsible for fear responses. Do be aware, this practice may worsen your day to day felt anxieties as a means of forcing growth and change to occur.
Its normal, its productive, but it doesn't necessarily feel good at first. However strong your response is becomes an indication of just how much self-work needs to be done.
With that concern spelled out, we can begin. After you've sat down, close your eyes. Say a prayer to a serpentine being with which you have a relationship, and then begin to visualize the lemniscate (the figure eight or infinity symbol). This should be front and center in your mind's eye, and when it is appropriately manifest for you, "lean" into it.
Find yourself becoming the lemniscate. Let it define you as you define it. It is not uncommon for you to see this image begin to change into something more as you meditate upon it. As this shape changes on your mind's viewscreen, trace it with your focus. Try to plumb its depths and outer edges.
See it becoming a serpent in your mind. Let it become real, both objectively and internally. Continue this meditation daily, and by doing so you will nourish both it and yourself, as this is as much a part of you as it is a part of the external universe. Its presence and strength will be necessary for you to delve more deeply into these sorceries.
It is normal to feel things more deeply following this, as you're essentially tapping into the more primal aspects of who you are. This feeds your being and creates a harmonic resonance between yourself and the spirits you wish to seek out and connect with. It will directly impact the success you can have with the spellworks and rituals I've noted earlier in this series.