As a result, it seemed pertinent to write a bit about this topic, discuss some of the differences, and give some tips and tricks for ridding oneself of these troublesome pests.
The first thing that needs to be understood is that there are a LOT of different types of spirits out there and a whole hell of a lot of gray area to deal with when defining them and their natures. Some are primarily benevolent, some are primarily malicious, and more are a smattering of those traits, mixed in with personal motivations and preferences that become readily apparent. Just as we are diverse and prone to extreme differences in behaviors, so too are spirits. Sometimes these differences are good and pleasant, and other times they can be downright frightening and damaging. In fact, its the damaging and aggressive sorts I'll be focusing on today.
Aggressive spirits come in all shapes and sizes, but there are a few particularly important details that help you in figuring out how to deal with them. Specifically, figuring out what a spirit is bound to is key to learning how to rid yourself of their meddlesome influence. A spirit can be bound to three types of things:
- Living beings
- Objects
- Places
If a spirit is bound to a living being, you're looking at a form of possession that follows an individual from place to place, usually causing trouble along the way. These issues can vary from little annoyances to causing accidents and killing your pets and almost always require an exorcism.
Spirits that are bound to objects typically haunt the area around where the object is, so when the object is removed from the premises, the disruptions stop.
Spirits that are bound to places are generally stuck in one place, so when you leave the area, you leave the entity's reach and thereby aren't affected by it.
Bearing the above types in mind, its important to note that aggressive shades can and frequently do hitch rides on people or objects that have the appropriate charge to accommodate them. All it takes for them to do this is energy, and some sufficiently powerful entities can do this at will, so its important to be aware of this.
That said, given the fact that some of these entities can "hop bodies", so to speak, its important to maintain a solid regimen of purificative and protective spiritual practices. If you don't do this, you will be easily susceptible to negative influences, possession, etc.
If you should be unfortunate enough to begin experiencing a haunting that follows you around, I would recommend that you immediately begin doing the following things:
- Thoroughly clean out your residence to see if it fixes the issue.
- Learn to perform the LBRP and do so at least twice a day
- Learn to perform the LBRH and do so at least twice a day
- Learn the Middle Pillar and do so at least once a day
- Smudge your house and yourself with one or more of the following herbs:
- asafoetida
- fumitory
- angelica root
- mugwort
- wormwood
- sage
- camphor (don't breathe it, it'll cause lung issues)
- chili peppers
- copal
- sandalwood
- black peppercorns
- bay leaves (always mix with mugwort for this)
*Note: avoid anything that has a tendency to strengthen manifestations, lest it cause you problems. This means that you should never use mullein, dittany of crete, or any psychoactive herbs when doing this. It WILL cause you more problems if you disregard this warning. - Take purificative baths
These methods will defend against most of the less potent nasty spirits provided you keep up with the practices. If, for whatever reason, those options do not work. seek professional assistance and be sure that you continue to do the work above! If you slack off and don't do this, the situation will get worse and the spirit causing trouble will take further hold. Even a professional cannot fix it with ease.
Hope that information helps.