To use a mundane example, over the weekend I had the "pleasure" of having to move into a new home. I moved from a third floor apartment to a first floor apartment, and boy was that hellish (I'm all kinds of sore today). I was able to recruit three dear friends of mine to help my wife and I in this rather troublesome endeavor, and they each showed up and helped me for several hours during the day. If it weren't for them, I probably wouldn't have been able to do most of it myself, as I have a couch that weighs over 400 pounds, and I don't do all that well in the sun. So, [C], [K], and [M] all helped me out immensely, and now I am in a position where I would like to repay them for their time and effort, but I am not fiscally able to do so. My offering to each of them is that I will do my best to return the favor in any way I can, be it through a physical move or through magickal work. Its all about giving and taking equally, or giving more then you take, as that's the key to having a solid relationship with other people.
The same can be said for spirits, as they are more like us then you might think. For those of you who've been working with spirits for a while, you already know this. For those of you who haven't been doing this for a while, take me at my word here, as it will help you later. To that end, you should be doing what you can to thank your familiar spirits for the things they've done for you, as that will continue a balanced and lasting relationship.
As with physical relationships, this can be done in a multitude of ways. They range from being G-rated to being X-rated, of course, so the method you use really is up to you. Below, I will detail a method one can use to do just that.
Materials Needed:
- 1 shot glass (this will be dedicated to the spirit you're offering to, so keep this in mind)
- 1 candle (color should correspond with the nature of the spirit)
- Drink (Whatever the spirit seems to like)
- Candy *Optional*
Ritual Instructions:
As with the previous rituals, go find a cozy and comfortable place to sit in, preferably in front of your alter or the place where you're going to leave the offering. Sit down and work yourself into a light trance through your preferred method, and try to communicate with the spirit you are trying to reach.
"Spirit N., I [your name] again call out to you, this time with an offering of thanks. Please come forth and join me, and enjoy the energy set forth for you in the form of food, drink, and a candle. I'd like to thank you for all of the aid you've given me, as I greatly value our friendship."
After this has been said, when the spirit shows up, talk with Him/Her. You'll likely know if the offering has been accepted or not, as you can feel it when that happens. Then you can meditate and connect with Him/her for a while. When you feel as though its time to close, close the ritual with the following.
"Spirit N., I'm glad you enjoyed the offering I set forth for you. Stay if you will, go if you must. I look forward to seeing you again."
When all is said and done, you can banish if you'd like, or simply let the spirit hang around. That is totally up to you.
With that said, enjoy!
The Sorceror