After a time, you will have developed a close enough relationship with the spirits you work with that you will be able to petition them for assistance with some of the obstacles in your life. These can range from little things ("Hey, I need twenty bucks for gas!") to much more monumentous issues ("I need to get a job that pays 10,000$ more a year!") depending on your needs.
Keeping that thought process in mind, you would do well to petition spirits to do things that align with their skill set, lest you risk angering them and causing your relationship with them to fizzle, or worse yet, they do what you ask, but do it wrong. That could get you in a deeper hole then you were to begin with, so you need to keep that in mind when asking for things. The mandate of the day is "Be careful what you wish for!"
With those warnings in place, here is a simple rite that you could use for petitioning a spirit that you've got a relationship with.
Materials needed:
- 1 Candle - This should be, if possible, of a color that corresponds with what you need from the spirit.
- Appropriate oils *Optional*
- Notepad
- Pen
- Matches/Lighter
Sit down in a comfortable working area, be it in front of your altar, or out on your porch. Meditate for a while and ensure that you are in a state wherein you can clearly articulate your needs to your spiritual friends. Once you are ready, say the following:
"Spirit N., I find myself in need of your assistance now. Please come to me and grant me a boon, of the sort I will write on this pad. Please aid me in my time of need."
As with the previous ritual, you may need to say this a couple of times. If you've got a good relationship with the spirit, it shouldn't be an issue. Once the spirit shows up, write your petition on a piece of paper, fold it in half, and place it in front of the candle. Afterwards, say the following:
"Spirit N., I thank you for whatever aid you can give me in this, my time of need."
After this, sit and meditate on your petition for a time. You may get some information from the spirit, or instructions on what to do to ensure that your petition is fulfilled. It is not uncommon for spiritual allies to make requests of you in return for what you are asking for.
Let the candle burn out, and then you can do what you wish with the petition. I usually burn it to signal that the petition has been made.
As always, think carefully on what you just might get it.