It's been my experience that when one manipulates the fabric of reality, it's relatively common for episodes of synchronicity to occur. When it does, it behooves us to interpret the signs and fact accordingly; this is particularly true when the omen is supported by myth and legend.Just a couple of days ago I encountered an instance wherein this occurred.I was conjuring Kali-ma towards the goal of causing a woman to miscarry the child conceived via dishonesty and manipulation. Just as I was preparing to do the work, I heard gunshots ~1 mile north of my location.
Now, for those of you who wonder why I know these were gunshots, I should note that I put 3500 rounds through my 9mm last year. With that sort of range time comes extreme familiarity with the sound. Furthermore, the 911 operator I reached mentioned her call board lit up just as I called and my dogs both know what gunshots sound like, and they flipped. It's a pretty sure set of signs, never mind the latter confirmations in the subject.
That said, I took this as a strong affirmation that I was barking up the right tree. This was supported by Her unbidden appearance earlier in the day as well as my divination. As such, once the call to 911 had been made, I proceeded with the ritual work and it went off without a hitch.This has been communicated to the client, as I feel as though it's a sure sign that I got her attention AND the attention of other spiritual forces.
That said, this isn't the only example of synchronicity I've experienced, but it is the most recent one. As a result, I felt like it bore mentioning.
The TL:DR certain of this post is simple: when shit happens before, during, or after ritual work, pay attention. It may be a sign that you're on or off target. Following it up with divination will keep you from suffering from confirmation bias as well.
Happy witching,