As a follow-up to my earlier post, today I am going to talk about the importance of understanding one's patterns.
If you think about human nature, the way we think, the way we act, and how we tell each other apart, it rapidly becomes apparent that we are creatures of habit. We like the way a specific sandwich tastes, or how a combination of food and song go together, or even how our routine is laid out; we adhere to our preferred patterns to the best of our ability, regardless of what is best for us. If you doubt this, just look at what happens with folks who smoke, drink, or drug themselves compulsively on a daily basis.
Having said as much, its also important to understand that human beings are vulnerable whenever their pattern is interrupted, as it is at that time that they are between patterns, upset, frustrated, emotional, and not usually thinking clearly. As a result, it is possible to manipulate folks by getting them to start unhelpful patterns that are self-destructive or otherwise problematic.
This is readily apparent when one considers such phenomena as the "mid-life crisis", during which a person, assumedly of middling age, decides that his or her pattern is no longer satisfactory and goes to staggering, sometimes ridiculous, lengths to change them. Often times, the individual believes that these radical changes will allow them to reinvent themselves, and sometimes they are right. More often, however, such behavior is resultant of not knowing one's patterns and being unaware of how to modify them constructively.

Those are perfect examples of how folks are vulnerable through mundane means when their patterns are interrupted. Now, to switch gears, we can also see the same thing in a magical and metaphysical light, though the dynamic changes slightly. Fascination is, very literally, dangerous, to both men and women, as it is the surest means of bewilderment and befuddlement, for we're distracted and thereby open to attack.
To illustrate this, have you ever seen a person who, to you, struck you as so attractive and different that you couldn't help but stare at them and try to figure them out? You get carried away in their presence, get heady, and willing to do what they ask of you, purely because it seems right? That's fascination and glamour at its base; pure, raw, and powerful....it causes you to drop your guard and your jaw.
A skilled witch or sorcerer can use the temporary state of dulled awareness and general susceptibility you take on as a means of imprinting sigilized commands or sending a spirit after you. I've had experiences where I was fascinated by a woman just long enough for her to tear open my root, draining me of energy very quickly; its what proved to me that it doesn't take much, and it doesn't take long.
In order to stop this from occurring, we need to be able to notice our behavior as it starts. That's where meditation, as mentioned previously, comes in.
There are means of defending oneself, but to do so, you must first have the awareness to know when such a slight is occurring.