When this time is upon us, I like to take time to reflect on them, their virtues, and what I know of them. I tell their stories, I share alcohol and food with them, and I pay them homage. This is a pertinent form of spiritual practice. Our ancestors are the bits that make up the sum of our beings, and thus they probably have the most vested interest in our success and happiness. As a result, this process of Ancestor Worship is right up there with divination and meditation, representing no small importance.
If you'd like to get in on this and honor those that came before us, I would recommend procuring the following: a beer your family would enjoy (or beer you yourself would enjoy if you're not familiar with their tastes), hard liquor (scotch or rum), tobacco, apple cider, and baked goods (your choice). Set it out upon a place that won't be disturbed by the living, and say the following prayer:
"Lady Hela, we ask that you cast open the veil and allow our ancestors near.
Let them close to the fire, to partake and to hear.
They are valued by us, and represent the core of our beings,
Please let them through, to sit with us this season.
Ancestors mine, recent and ancient,
Share with us your wisdom and enjoy this placement."
Sit with this some, and be aware that you have guests. At the close of the festivities, be sure to dismiss them and thank them for joining you and your family.
PS: For those unaware, Hela is the Norse Goddess who is in charge of the dead and their placements. It is she who can open the road to communicate with her, and she has nothing to do with the concept of Hell.