I had hoped to be posting a bit of interesting, useful information herein, but unfortunately a potential client has derailed that particular train of thought. The topic of this post is those who ask for advice but then don't listen...otherwise known as "askholes",
If you're going to spend the time to explain your life and circumstances to me, and then ask for my help and advice, have the decency and common sense to listen and take heed. There's little more irritating than attempting to help someone out when they're not paying attention, as my work as a sorcerer revolves around helping others first and foremost; I'm not simply a mercenary to be bought off, so if something is going to cause you a great deal of pain and frustration in the future, I'm going to tell you this. I do this intentionally; if you're coming to me in need of assistance, some process in your life is broken and not functioning the way it should/you need it to. That always requires change.
Just something to consider.