Before I get started about the means of improving oneself via magic, let's talk a bit about why doing so may well be crucial for you.
In our day & age, almost everyone has a great deal of visibility into the lives of others around them. The same is true in reverse, as each Twitter, Facebook, Tinder, YouTube, Google Plus, forum account, and so on and so forth acts as a window through which we're afforded the ability to share ourselves with the world around us. Even those that are not geographically near may view the content we create, interact with us, and judge us. Thus, privacy is becoming more and more a thing of the past.
I am of the mind that this is both good and bad, as visibility is a sword that cuts both ways. On one hand, greater visibility means that you're able to reach a far greater demographic than once was possible, and that demographic has the ability to reach you regardless of their location or intention. No longer is it simply a matter of having to tell someone where you live - instead, the appropriately talented can simply look that information up.
If you follow me, thus far, this probably sounds like a wonderful thing. And it is....until it isn't. By reaching out and connecting everybody in to this World Wide Web (an appropriate moniker, to be sure), we've bred a new generation of networking, friends, made opportunities for new families, and created new stalkers, criminals, cyberbullies, trolls, and a whole host of unseemly folk to crawl around it.
In all of this noise, one simple fact is underscored by this newfound reach we have: both your perfections and imperfections are on the big, digital screen for everyone to see. How you present yourself is everything, in this day and age. Its all marketing, and marketing is a means through which you're able to show the world just how awesome (or not) you happen to be.
IIts not as easy to generate interest, these days. Celebrity worship happens rampantly, and now thanks to tech like Twitter, local celebrities are becoming more and more common. If you wish to stand out, its simultaneously easier to do so and more difficult to do so, as there are 7,375,712,200 people on the planet.....roughly 7.4 billion. How many are your direct or indirect competitors? Depending on your field and how much content you produce, that could easily be over 1 or 2 million people. If there are only 500,000 job openings for what it is you do, it means that the job world is pretty damned crowded for you.
Knowing this, if you want to get by and be successful, you must stand OUT. Blending in is all well and good until it isn't, and with the level of worldwide visibility we've got, there's a great deal of competing to be done.
This is why and where improving yourself is so important. Magical work can be used to do so, provided you think things through and utilize the tools at your disposal.