A few moments ago, I was perusing a forum that I've not frequented in quite some time whilst trying to think of a topic to write about, and I stumbled upon a thread centered on concealing one's practices. That is a topic that I've a fair deal of experience with, given my childhood, so I thought I'd post a bit up in the hopes that it helps others.
Well, to offer some information to serve as a backdrop, when I was a child I was raised by a Buddhist mother and a Lutheran father, and since the get-go I was involved in a Buddhist "Church". As such, it was most assuredly not an occult-study-friendly environment, which made being an empathic child with an "invisible friend" who taught magic incredibly awkward. The few times such practices were hinted at or openly mentioned, I received a rather harsh and sound punishment, which, in time, made me realize that my parents put more stock in such things than they would admit, and they were undoubtedly afraid of those practices. I then went to great lengths to conceal the work I did regularly, and it taught me more about their respective faiths whilst also deepening my own.
I learned to blend Buddhist teachings with my "occult practices", which proved to be fairly easy, as I worked with several Buddhist figures at the time. My work with and worship of figures like Kannon-Sama, Raijin-Sama, Fujin-Sama, Amitabha, Shiva, and Kali-Ma went altogether unnoticed, as each could be easily explained away, as being related to my mother's faith.
I did similar things using Psalms, Genesis, and other books of the Bible with great success, and after some time, neither of my parents discovered my true practice.
Furthermore, I also found that keeping ritual tools to a minimum is very, very helpful. If you live in a home wherein your parents or significant other searches your room regularly, keep all of your books in a PDF form on your PC or on your phone/Kindle/Nook disguised as regular fiction/nonfiction. Such tricks are easy to accomplish, and they keep prying eyes from invading your privacy.
If you believe that vocalization will cause trouble, then I'd suggest that you learn to subvocalize and learn how to use energy work, as the two practices will further shield your work from suspicious people. Much can be accomplished with your hands, feet, body, and mind, even