While in this state of trance and deep meditation, I began to glimpse emotion-as-entanglement and the nature of that which unfolds around us each day. More specifically, these plant spirits and my own helped me to comprehend that the way that we feel about a series of circumstances and events can quite literally reorient us and change our perspective & how it relates to our core experience in unexpected ways.
Your core experience is your core experience. That might be shared by or paralleled by others in some way, but it's your experience before it becomes anyone else's. My spirits have likened this to being like a fire at the center of a space. That fire might be tended by us, or it might be tended by others, but where we sit and how we approach it changes our disposition and what we see beyond the flames before us.
If we look North, we might see the craggy, dangerous mountain paths atop which lies a wonderful reward. To the East, we might see a gorgeous beach populated by beautiful men and women, a vacation destination full of delights. To the South, we might spy an angry warband, full of piss & vinegar. To the West, new opportunities and unexplored mysteries. Each of these directions contain aspects of our lives and, perhaps more importantly, they each represent parts of our overall experience.
What we choose to explore directly influences our experience, and so if we head into the difficult North, we find reward and challenges aplenty, changing our spot on the map. Changing where we next make our camp. So too is this the case if we rise to meet those warbands in open conflict or head to the aforementioned gorgeous Easterly beaches. Each of these travel destinations within our lives are a manifestation of our interests and our voyages of the mind, and so it is up to us what we explore and experience.
Our day to day experience, mental health, spiritual growth, and the manifestations attaches to each are each interconnected extrapolations of this act of wandering. We are defined by our focus and how we carry it out day by day, and so the meat of this lesson lies in the understanding that it is important to choose carefully. What you choose to do each day will define you in six months, and that will then define you in twelve months, eighteen months, twenty four months and so on and so forth. Choose carefully how you interact with your life each day, as your view around the campfire directly influences everything to follow.
The more we come to realize that each direction around this campfire is available to us, the more capable of intelligent decisions we become. Think deeply and reflect upon your life, and if one avenue is closed to you, instead of fretting, take a look at the others around you. Explore something else & enrich yourself experience rather than being like the goat constantly ramming its head against an obstacle. Choosing instead to graze in the lovely pastures nearby or play by the river might instead be more rewarding.
Many blessings & thanks for reading.