Each of these build on the exercise prior, and while they might seem easy, they're probably going to make your head hurt like crazy for a while. Especially as you get deeper into it.
1. Meditation
The importance of meditation really can't be overstated, as its one of those "keys to the kingdom" as far as spiritual tools are concerned. Without the ability to do so, you're probably just going to wind up sticking yourself up in a crappy situation, either through magic or impulse, as people don't tend to think things through.
Demystified, meditation is a means of thinking things through long-hand. You shut out other distractions and focus on a specific subject or thing so that you can noodle it out and determine what the best course of action is.
On the more mystic front, its useful for communing with your selves (as we exist in a multiplicity, and not in that schizophrenic sort of way) and can later be used to connect to external deities, spirits, and thoughtforms.
There are thousands of books on the subject, but you don't need a book to get started. Just relax, shut up, and let your mind show you what it'll show you at first. As time goes on, you can use this mental slideshow to see what's going on within you. I'd recommend doing this 5 to 10 minutes per session for a while, and work up to doing it twice a day, every day. You don't need to do so for a long time, but you do want to do it.
2. Meditation 2.0
Once you've gotten good at meditating a couple of times a day and you've begun to feel the positive effects of it, its time to take some of your meditations to the next level. This is strength training for your brain, so you don't want to do this every day....otherwise you will strain yourself and cause blockages that'll give you issues later.
In this exercise, you'll sit down, quiet yourself, and then proceed to visualize shapes. Start simple, with a triangle, then later a square, then more complex shapes. I'd recommend just seeing them as a wireform shape (like line art) at first, as that'll make it easier to hold in your mind.
You'll probably want to start off doing this once every few days for a short while, and then add to the complexity as time goes on.
3. Meditation 3.0
In continuation of the meditation-to-hone-your-mind thing, the next sort of meditation is a radical jump in difficulty. It might not seem like much, but if you have problems with spaciality, this is going to be a frustrating step to master. Expect that it'll probably take you a few months to master.
Essentially, you'll be using 2.0's tech, only now you'll be using 3D objects. You'll want to start seeing them as wireform objects and then add to them. I like to start with a square, make it a cube, and then later fill it in. As time goes on, you'll want to give these mental creations depth and weight. As you do so, you can interact with them and treat them as real projections of your consciousness.
This likely won't be easy for you, but as you learn to create and manipulate these mental objects, you'll be better able to use this to manipulate the ebbs and flows of energy as necessary.