It seems as though I am on an evocation spree, as of late. Here's yet another post that was spawned as a result of a post on EvocationMagic (link). The topic at hand, this time around, is Ghob, the elemental King of Earth.
Before I go any farther, when I say "Earth", in this context, I am referring to elemental earth and the associated powers, potencies, abilities, and concerns. I am not referring to the Earth.
That said, its probably a good idea if I go into some detail on what Earth, as an energy form/type, is used for. Earth is, in my view, associated with the Coins & Discs suites of Tarot and concerns itself with fecundity, finances, stability, strength, vitality, and other such things. If elemental magic is your thing, the earthen energies are a definite go-to when you need help with any of those needs.
Having said as much, one of the commonly accepted kings of that particular form of energy is Ghob. To take a quote from the Encyclopedia Brittanica, Ghob is said to "...[guard] mines of precious treasures hidden in the earth. He is represented in medieval mythologies as a small, physically deformed (usually hunchbacked) creature resembling a dry, gnarled old man. [Ghob], the king of the gnome race, ruled with a magic sword and is said to have influenced the melancholic temperament of man." He's a crafty fellow whom I've had several dealings with over the years, and He is quite good at His craft.
The thread I mentioned above went into detail about experiences people had when conjuring Ghob, so I thought I'd give it a more public "go". Here is the verbiage I posted in that thread:
"In turn, given my desire to evoke things and write down the results, as of late, I will follow suit and record my notes. As I write this post, I will be using a bit of automatic writing alongside what can best be termed as a shamanistic evocation. At the end, my intent, should Ghob agree, is to provide you with a sigil for Him so that others may do the same.
The following questions, in bold, mark my questions and responses. The italicized forms mark His responses.
*the being who has shown up is small in stature, and stands at about 3.5 feet tall. I am sitting as I record this, and that is the approximate height of my shoulder. He, upon coming through, has placed his right hand on my left shoulder and shaken it. I still feel the weight as I type. He wears a small bag as a hat, with a leather strap going over his right shoulder, over what appear to be overalls. The strap is connected to a bag of what I assume are gems and stones. On his right hip is a hammer, a small pick, and a rustic-looking knife. His skin has a blueish-green tint to it, not at all unlike sea moss*
What is your name?
You know it. You feel it.
Please answer me anyway.
Ghob, Hob, Bob, Rob, Throb, Nob......
Why the rhymes?
Language is at the heart of magic, with rhyme at the root of its use. The words describe a personage, as even the nomenclature of Ghob is a description rather than a name. Your given name of Christopher is much the same, for it refers to one who bears Christ. In this case, you bear Christ of many names.
What service do you usually provide, and what do you teach? That is, if you do actually teach.
I teach and I learn. Earth, as an element, sets borders, creates buildings, destroys borders, creates pressure, releases pressure, evolves, shapes, hides, unveils, shifts, and teaches the ways of these acts.
Is that power relegated to you, solely, or do your kin enjoy that potency as well?
It is shared amongst us, like one would share any gift amongst a tribe.
Are your folk all wee and dwarfish?
Nay, we vary, just as you. What you'd call jotnar or ettin are, in some cases, of our ilk as well. So too are ghuls, snakes, dwarves, some of the sidhe, and others. The title and class do not refer to simply one race, as you'd understand it. Instead, it refers to a skill. Some may straddle those boundaries by having a multitude of skills, thereby being of one class and another.
What is your purpose in conjuring me, this morn?
To learn, again, record, and let others learn.
Aye, then? A noble goal. Some will misuse the knowledge you seek.
Does the knowledge function without your involvement?
Some does, some does not.
What can you tell me?
Many things, but you must stop recording those things.
*I, at this time, stop writing. When he is done teaching, I begin writing here, once more*
Thank you.
Now that you've learned and proven that you are able, I will show you this. This, what you call a sigil, can be used to call me. It will not function for those who are not ready for it. It may overwhelm.
*drew sigil in Paint with Ghob standing watch*
Thank you. I will share this sigil.
You are welcome. Use this familiar I leave with you in your business.
*In a puff of grey, Ghob is gone*"
Below you may find the sigil given to me by Ghob Himself as rendered in Paint.
You may use the above sigil to work with Ghob as you see fit, though I would caution you that His energy is certainly heavy and very grounding, forgive the pun. You will likely feel a weight on and around you. It'll be up to you to work with Him as you see fit, but know that you had better be sure that you want what you ask for, and that you are specific enough about it.
Happy evoking!