To start, I'm sure you lot have, by now, figured out that my primary focus in my praxis is the Spirits. As such, I don't tend to have much in the way of respect for written word, as I find it to be second to gnosis, or wisdom received as a gift from the Divine. This, I feel, tends to stand at odds with the common spiritual practice of today, where many flock to bookstores to snatch up and devour the words of another, and subsequently use that as the basis for personal praxis.
I'm not here to comment on such a practice, save for saying that I don't think it is the ideal way to continue after you've gotten your feet wet. That being the case, I'd like to turn our attention to further discussion on my own experiences, and hopefully, through the comments section, your own experience with the Spirits.
If you've read my previous posts, you'll likely be aware of the fact that while I serve the Horned God primarily, I am also incredibly close with the Goddess Tara-Ma, in all of Her forms. I act as a steward and day planner, so to speak, when it comes to utilizing Her skills when working for clients. That being the case, I've found that there are times where Her manifestations seem to be most unusual, and oft incredibly touching. Sometimes that touching is "inappropriate", and other times it is simply by experiencing Her in full, but regardless of the method, it is always awe-inspiring. One such occurance happened recently, when Ayra Tara decided that She wished to show me Herself in that form. After enjoying Her company in baser ways that I'll not discourse of herein, She and I got to talking and I learned something that I found, for the lack of a better word, incredibly adorable and human-like. She explained that that particular emanation of Her is from Tibet, where She does actually have a bedtime - the monks tuck Her statue in and "Wake" Her statue up every day, providing meals and offerings. Now, this might not seem so shocking to those of you who don't work like I do, but in my years, I've never once heard of such a thing. The Gods might rest, in some form or another, but I've never heard of Them sleeping.
Hearing this had a surprising effect on me. It was both incredibly endearing and awe-inspiring, and caused me to have an even greater respect for this particular Goddess, on top of the love I already had. It was an instance wherein I was surprised, yet again, and I must admit that its had a profound effect on me. I've spent the past couple of months praying to Her every day, as I've had my own share of emotional issues that I am working past. In a way, its made me feel as though the Gods are that much more accessible, even more so than I previously believed.
That, of course, has intensified my own feelings and practices immensely, and that example brings me to a point: While spirit work, in the context of spiritism and the process of seeking gnosis, one comes to a point where he or she may be unsure how to take some information. When one reaches such a crossroads, it is helpful to take into account your feelings on the matter. Does such a revelation leave you sincerely awestruck? Does it move you at your core, and redefine your practice in some way, despite your every effort to the contrary? If it does, then you can be sure that you have indeed received some tidbit of gnosis as a gift from the Gods. If not, then you must re-evaluate your praxis, and see attempt to discover what is holding you back.
....Jai Tara-Ma! Jai Ayra Tara!