One of the most pertinent lessons I've learned is that we are tied to the land. We are tied to the land in ways that we don't consider, and it is that tether to what is under our feet that we tend to neglect most.
Every crop we plant, every weed we pull, every bit of landscaping we do has an impact. By extension, every bit of additional TLC we give the land, every offering, and every spiritual engagement we have with the beings upon the space we occupy provides a similar impact. We exist within an ecosystem, and taking good care of that eco-system provides a foundation for each and every thing we do.
Magic is local to an extreme degree, and so to are our efforts. When you consider how your magic works, consider the impact you're having on the land below your feet. If your spells are not working, if you're struggling with health issues, if you're failing to thrive, or struggling to get your business off the ground, I would strongly suggest considering your impact on the earth around you. Work to heal the land and you will work to remedy the troubles you have, as you have to live with that energy each and every day… You have to live alongside every spirit that exists there.
Taking good care of that land and the entities upon it has a direct impact on your life. The more care and consideration you put in to those engagements, the more you will get out of it. Start local, and focus on the things with in your neighborhood that you have a direct ability to impact. If you do so, blessings and boons will come.
If everything isn't working, start with the land. That's where we grow our crops, that's where we grow us & what we want to be.