Luck's sort of taken for granted; we think that we've either got it or we don't. This is what I'm looking to change by writing this post. I wish to start a dialogue surrounding Luck and its Mysteries so that we all might benefit...
Bear in mind, this is all UPG & experience rolled into one post. I might have picked up some of this in old books or from conversations with past friends and colleagues...I don't rightly remember (so if I stole your idea, apologies; consider this mention your due credit). Consider this a disclaimer before we dive right in, seeing as how we're up to some tricky, tricky things. ;)
"Luck be a Lady, tonight."
-Frank Sinatra
To me, Luck is something of an external entity, at times, but it also seems to be a resource that can be tapped and used according to our will. If we've got a jar of special olive oil, loaded with herbs, we can use up a good chunk of it, then work to refill the jar so that the remains don't go to waste; Luck is the same way.
We use Luck to enhance the flavor of our lives, then we need to fill that jar back up. But how does one do this?
Luck can be tapped and refilled through several sources, not least of which is our ancestors. We've inherited almost everything from them, and so it stands to reason that our Luck and the relationship we have with it is in some way tied to them. This is a rather Nordic concept, but it shows up in China, Japan, and India some as well.
By giving offerings to those that came before, you're essentially asking them to look upon you favorably and assist you in your ventures. In so doing, those attentions can be used to protect you from harm, better your opportunities, and help you make good on the potentials that crop up.
Alternatively, you can give offerings to your Luck itself. Do good deeds as a offering to this aspect of Self, and use those compassionate actions to refill the jar. As you do so, you benefit and those around you do so as well. This then creates greater opportunities for excellence on your part, and generally helps to ensure that you're well-liked.
When this Luck is well-established, then you can seek to "tap" it at crucial times, using it on things that are important to you. Sometimes turning the odds in your favor is a matter of this Lucky Intervention that overcomes the ill-standing at play. Its saved my bacon a few times.
Food for thought..