Forcing your way through these troubles isn't pleasant, but it is doable. You've just got to change the way you think and approach the situation. Perspective is everything, so sometimes a change of headspace is all you need to have an "aha!" moment. Considering this, the same works for other folks.
If you want to change their mind about how they think of you, you can do so by first clearing the air and then switching the view. By changing your viewpoint via meditation mid-working and then projecting it outwards towards your target, if you've got a solid link its possible to merge your awareness with their own. It takes a bit of practice, but works wonderfully.
Herbs for this include wormwood, mugwort, ashwaghanda, and damiana. Absinthe is a useful alcohol base, if you're given to such things.
Expect that you may pick up on someone else's issues and problems. They do tend to transfer through such a link, so afterwards you will need to spend time purifying yourself.
Just some food for thought.
Be well folks,