Hello there folks and Happy Friday.
Following the ongoing process of empowering women through ritual and song, Pallas Athena has asked that I share her hymn and speak to her virtues.
Athena is, in this form, the Goddess of intellect, strategy, and research, known well for her warlike tendencies and utter mastery of the battlefield. She is powerful, sage, and inspiring to man and woman alike, to the point where my brilliant dog is named after her.
To say that I very much love Athena is an understatement, and I hope to share her gifts with you through this process. She can, as her attributes would suggest, be conjured by all those seeking to progress further in the business world, as the boardroom is the new battlefield, where lives and livelihood are lost and gained.
If you find yourself beset by others with no way out, call out to her using this song. Light a mixture of Frankincense, Myrrh, and Cedar Leaf Tips for her, then repeat this oration as many times as you feel is necessary:
"Only-Begotten, noble race of Jove, blessed and fierce, who joy'st in caves to rove:
O, warlike Pallas, whose illustrious kind, ineffable and effable we find:
Magnanimous and fam'd, the rocky height, and groves, and shady mountains thee delight:
In arms rejoicing, who with Furies dire and wild, the souls of mortals dost inspire.
Gymnastic virgin of terrific mind, dire Gorgons bane, unmarried, blessed, kind:
Mother of arts, imperious; understood, rage to the wicked., wisdom to the good:
Female and male, the arts of war are thine, fanatic, much-form'd Drakaina, divine:
O'er the Phlegrean giants rous'd to ire, thy coursers driving, with destruction dire.
Sprung from the head of Jove, of splendid mien, purger of evils, all-victorious queen.
Hear me, O Goddess, when to thee I pray, with supplicating voice both night and day,
And in my latest hour, peace and health, propitious times, and necessary wealth,
And, ever present, be thy vot'ries aid, O, much implor'd, art's parent, blue eyed maid."
She manifests subtly, but strongly, shifting your words and impressions for the better, but also inspires one to achieve where one might otherwise sit back and see what happens. Athena is active, piercing, and wonderful.
H tan h epi tas.
*Note: Credit for the Orphic Hymn goes to Theoi.com.