As a follow-up to yesterday's post on pacts, at the request of a long-standing client, I thought I'd talk a bit about pacting with humans; a rather under-discussed topic. Given the nature and importance of pacts, it stands to reason that the same issues and considerations would apply when dealing with human beings.
As with purely spiritual forces, pacting and oathtaking are experiences which build our community inside of our homes as well as outside of them. We take oaths when we marry folks, and we make promises regularly; both are good examples. Having an agreement regarding the repayment of debt is an oath and agreement with spiritual implications as well. It doesn't take much magical knowledge or spiritual awareness to use such a thing against another person.
The simple fact is that breaking pacts causes one to lose power and, as a result, it causes one to give power to another person. The question isn't so much "what do I have to lose?" but instead "can that person use it to harm me?", and truth be told, it doesn't take much to use such a thing against another person. Plenty of spirits will congregate around and pounce upon someone for breaking an oath without a good reason, and even more will give you a beating even if you had a good reason. Hell, I've had spirits release me from an oath and take me to task nonetheless.
This is important to realize, as you could, unintentionally, sell off a piece of your soul, so to speak, to someone who wishes to take advantage of you. In the case of one client, his pact with a woman has led to her having a direct line of sight to him regardless of where he is, and she has repeatedly used that against him.
So, my advice to you is that you should beware one-sided pacts with humans as well. They can be advantageous or they can also be dangerous and problematic.