On the positive end, a spirit like Ghob has a lot of financial know-how. He's a business and spending guru who can dial up your earnings, protect them, and help you to find rare items that peak your interest. Kali, on the other hand, could cut through obstacles and threats, thereby helping you to stay physically, emotionally, or physically safe. Aboen, a spirit I work with, keeps one bathed in a magical curtain of fire, drawing positive attention to those so protected. In a pinch, however, that charge can be changed by him such that it lashes out at those who are prodded by Malocchio (the Evil Eye). Such ideas and abilities go on and on and on, and the perks change with every spirit. The deeper you go, the further you get.
Over time, with offerings, skill, and mutually helpful work, these bonds get created and can work to your benefit. This path is not unlike the development of Siddhis in Hindotibetan magicospiritual systems. Spirits are powerful, so using them to boost your own skillset is a useful way to protect yourself both proactively and reactively.
With that in mind, here's a simple rite used to invoke the protective natures of those familiar spirits.
Spiritus aeris, terra, ignis, aqua
Invocatae tu potens benedictionibus in Terra
Protego me de noxia fallacia
Amen, Amen, Amen
*Make the sign of the equal armed cross over yourself*