Magical workings manifest results through the creation of opportunities conducive to the goal you seek. If you want to have sex with a coworker, you certainly can't do so in the office with any real safety or discretion, so half of getting at that goal is the creation of an opportunity to meet up. The other half is handling that coworker appropriately during the opportune meet so that you and he or she can go somewhere and hump like rabbits. If either end is mismanaged (the magical work or the social interaction), you're going to have problems. The trouble will either manifest as the opportunity not presenting itself or the opportunity will present itself, you'll screw up the social side of things, and then you won't get laid.
After a near miss like that, the situation nearly always gets worse, so you have to stay on your toes and watch for such opportunities. That's not the easiest thing in the world to do, especially when it comes to keeping lust-for-result out of the equation. Sitting on your bahookie without cause or concern, however, is terribly unhelpful.
To provide another example, what's the usual pattern when you're looking for a job? You decide on what it is you wish to do, then talk to folks to see if such an opportunity exists. If such a vocation exists and you've got the credentials for it, you can then update your CV/resume, disseminate it to your contacts, and then interview as potential employers contact you. As a magician/sorcerer, I tend to interject a working or three to make my CV look more tantalizing to potential employers, glam myself up, do road-opener work, and slow my competition down some. Then, provided I stay on top of things, I should be able to land a job pretty quickly.
If I were to be lazy and/or unmotivated and not get my resume completed, however, there's no way I'd even be given the chance to talk to potential employers. The same goes for if I wasn't speaking with potential references and industry contacts.
Success through magic is all about doing your due-diligence and doing the needful. Its the same as working on anything without magic, though spirit work is there to help you to moer easily achieve something that seems outside your reach.
I hope this PSA ends up being helpful to you folks. Good luck and stay safe.