......Yes, I was *absolutely* effected by this too, and that's exactly why I'm writing this for each of you today! Let's dig in.
Self-care is a basic enough task, but its enormously important; the way we feel about the way we look drives every single interaction we have with one another. If we don't feel our best, we're going to struggle to act our best. This is the way of things, and yet its an easy system to beneficially hijack and apply for our own benefit.
If you want to up your game and truly make yourself beautiful in a way that can be meaningfully appreciated by others, start with the basics of self-care and work your way up to expert mode! Take baths, moisturize your skin, brush your hair, brush your teeth, floss, work out, eat healthy food, enjoy meaningful cheat meals, and generally work to make yourself feel good....do that, and things will begin to fall in line.
With that, let's begin with some inspiration. If you're already doing the basics I've mentioned above, you can totally up your game with a few really easy tricks:
- Bless your self-care tools. Soap, shampoo, hairbrush, toothbrush, manicure kit, hair products, etc. Fill those items with energy and spellwork that sustains you and imparts a "charge" into them so that whenever you take care of you, that benefit rubs off on you.
- Say Grace over your food. It doesn't need to be Catholic or Christian or even particularly religious; if you don't believe in spirits, express gratitude towards yourself and those living persons that have made such increase possible. I recommend a simple prayer or like utterance conveying your appreciation, as this can and will change the way your mind works....there's LOADS of neuroscience around it, and its magickally useful to tap into.
- Celebrate your gains. If you feel like your boobs or butt is/are looking amazing, revel in it and properly enjoy what you've worked so hard to achieve. Recognize these milestones and you'll have something to mark your calendar with & be proud of, and that will do wonders for your mental health.
With these three easy tips, you'll change the way you look at yourself and your life in a hurry. You don't need fancy stuff to feel good, but taking stock of what you're doing right and setting yourself up for success each and every day is a hell of a way to change the external narrative. As you do this, you'll command more respect and care for others, and that will lead to other breakthroughs. This kind of meaningful internal growth is SEXY!
Keep up the good work! ;)
Much love & many blessings,