This is near and dear to me and I hope to see widespread use of this tech, as it is quite powerful.
When we discuss ensorcellment and the idea of being enwrapped in faultless Powers, pulling the world’s ebbs & flows into our control, and cultivating great change, invariably the topic of circles and loops come into play. Circles are important in magic on account of their shape and the way energy flows about them. When one is created, it can be used to constrict and direct energy of all kinds, and they can be used to withstand energy. This is their essence, and thus essence is quite flexible in its applications.
Dropping for a moment any ritual considerations around a perfectly constructed circle, how might we go about encircling something animate? How might we create active enclosure of an attainable goal, person, place or thing?
We build this magical loop ourselves through intentional acts. We erect this as a monument to our success and intended goals. One way to do this is through mantra and focused intention.
By working into Creation a chain of syllables, we piece together links and in turn construct a means of constraint. We engage and enwrap another in our intent, circle them with our minds, and bathe them in our wills. This can be used for great good or gray-area magical acts alike, as the focal point does not matter: only the building blocks do.
Let us say that your goal is creating wealth, and you are looking to bring greater gain to yourself and your home. You might recite an appropriate mantra, a demonic enn, a conjuration of a wealth-creation spirit, or a heartfelt prayer to the universe as a plea. When you choose to do this, consider every utterance as the creation of a building block or “link” to this end goal.
As every link provides a tie and each link builds a chain, you do exactly this through your words. Your tongue becomes the anvil upon which your mettle will be tested and your mouth becomes the forge which reshapes the steel of your mind. As you do this, focus on your intention and hammer it into the flow of what is to be. Draw it to you as you feel this chain tighten around your intention. Feel it bind and clamp, tightening and strengthening your hold on this goal and your achievement.
Build the chain, then use it to tether you to your goals. ;)