This is pertinent within the context of Serpent Sorcery, as serpents shed their skin to create for themselves additional camouflage...In a literal way, they redefine themselves by growing a new label, and so it is that these two topics are inherently linked.
When engaging with the Naga in this way and working your way through these spiritual processes, consider how this changes you from within. Reflect upon your struggles and successes and come to realize how these experiences have changed the way you interact with the world...consider how this skin you wear changes how the world sees you in turn.
How would you like for that to change? Existence requires a kind of joi de vivre as a core animating force, so how is it that you would like for the world around you to see the skin you wear? This passion beneath the surface of your skin need not only be skin deep. All beings seek connection surfaces to engage with, so you do choose much of how you present yourself.
In engaging with yourself in this way, you'll find within your own joy and animus via meditation. When you find that fire, tend to it, let it grow and become robust. Let it flow through you to a point where you can see yourself wearing this source of passion openly. Let this change your own serpent's skin, as you already automatically wear some element of yourself as a label each and every day.
Consider how you might modify this context of self and how you're perceived by others to achieve the fulfillment of this great passion. The concept of self-definition along these lines is a continual ongoing process, and this visualized skin upon yourself labels you for the world to perceive. Wield this intelligently, as this is in many respects a glamour upon all that is you.