Following my last post about Servitors, today we can talk about attributes and how they overlap with what we're looking to use these manufactured entities to achieve.
In a nutshell, the point driving this post is found in the question "how do you program a servitor to be helpful?" When you're looking to create such a being, you're responsible for how it responds to the world around it. What attributes you give this creation of yours will impact how effective it can be at the task you set for it. Done properly, you can create for yourself a loyal friend and confidant, but done improperly, you'll get yourself into a world of hurt.
For instance, if you're looking to create a lust-generating entity, it should be strong willed, watchful, lusty, potent, and forceful in nature. A demure, quiet little thing isn't going to serve your needs in that situation.
To provide another example, if we're stepping up our game to create a servitor to help us with information gathering, it will need to be highly observant, analytical, intelligent, and endowed with knowledge of how to use theory of mind to your advantage. It would need to be stealthy when observing others, and rather communicative when relating that information back to you.
Consider, if you will, that you are building a real being. Contemplate what behaviors coincide with what you're looking to achieve, as you could otherwise have phenomenal magical ability and a total dud of a servitor on account of creating a personality conflict.
Be granular in your approach, as that will improve your magic considerably.