Now that we've survived the end of the world and entered a new baktun, we've come to a crossroads of sorts. Like Easter, this is a time of new beginnings, so I'd suggest that you pay careful attention to this fact, as it will likely set the path your life will take on some level.
Last year was a Charlie Foxtrot for most of us. Long-standing relationships were shattered, new relationships were tested, people changed, loved ones died, folks lost their jobs and had to get situated doing something else, and some people didn't plan ahead, so they stopped paying their mortgages, cashed out everything in their bank, and subsequently traveled the world.
That being the case, things have rearranged in a pretty major way for us, so logic would dictate that we set ourselves up on a new path to follow. That being the case, now's also the singularly best time to do work or have work done for you to ensure that you enter the New Year with a disposition that's ready to make good on your intentions. Now's the time to make sure the change sticks AND is beneficial to you.
So Happy Holidays, and welcome to the so-called Post-Apocalyptic World. :D