I've been far too quiet on this blog over the past month, so I thought I'd get things going again by answering a few questions sent my way. Some of you may remember the post Sorcery Q&A, and for those of you who do not, this post and the others like it will contain questions submitted by clients alongside my answers to them. I hope that this will prove to be illuminating.
Be aware, before reading, that this post consists of gnosis from my years of magical work. It is not up for public debate, but if you wish to take it up with me, I would ask that you contact me directly. Comments are closed.
1) Does Odin have any "faces" outside of the Northern Tradition?
Not as far as I am presently aware. I've interacted with the God a great deal over the years, and from what I can tell, He's pretty much fully and solely invested in all things Norse, even if He does regularly interact with and understand things outside of that pantheon. That's not really a surprise or a limiting factor, as He's proven to be a very versatile God within that pantheon.
2) Did something like "The ALL" create the primal fire and ice and we are living inside the mind of this ALL God that has little interest in individual creatures?
That's pretty dependent upon belief, and I can't say that I know the answer. In my personal view, we are one of many thousands of creations, under the thumb of one or more demiurges which control our experiences in this dimension. You're free to believe what you will.
3) Do you personally view Odin as the creator of humanity?
No, I do not. Historical studies are my forte, and I've found that Odin is far too young to have created humanity, so instead the stories must be allegorical. Odin, as a God, hasn't been around for all that long (3,000 years or so), and our history, as humans with spiritual belief, stretches back at least 120,000 years, so you can see why I say what I do. He's certainly had a formative impact upon us, but He didn't create us.
That's all for now. Digest away, ping me with any questions, and enjoy!