This post is the next installment of the Sorcery Q&A series. As usual, the following questions have been submitted by a client and my answers follow.
Do the Gods of the planets, stars and galaxies dwell in Asgard?
Do most Gods care about humanity (want it to evolve) or do they just want
to manipulate it for their own ends?
Some genuinely appear to be interested in our growth and well-being while there are others who seem to exist to manipulate us into doing whatever task they see fit. Many times, the two poles seem to exist simultaneously as if there were a case of cognitive dissonance on a deific level which leads me to believe that part of forcing us to grow is being a manipulative twat. I've dealt with many different spirits and situations which suggest that many spirits manipulate us because they need to do so to get us to grow, which actually makes a fair deal of sense. Human beings are dreadfully bad at doing the necessary.
We tend to avoid one form of pain while accepting another, likely out of fear that the pain we're avoiding will be worse than the pain we're enduring. Divorce is one of those situations, as no one gets a divorce because they're happy about the arrangement. People divorce another person when the situation has finally become intolerable. We're, in essence, slow to move without pain as a motivator.
When you say the Gods you enoked together spoke with one another, what exactly do Gods talk about?
That, and they tend to talk about how idiotic we are. I've heard plenty from planetary daemons about how we ask for various changes only to not have the sense to pay attention when they occur.
Where in the nine worlds do you personally wish to dwell after you pass
from this incarnation?
That's all for now.
Take care folks.