That can be kind of maddening at times, and yet it’s deeply important to the nature of the universe, and by extension, to sorcery and magick has practice.
You see, we are made of unsubtle matter. We are the fleshed out manifestation of billions of atoms, subatomic particles, energy currents & electromagnetic bonds. By our very nature (which is in itself no small miracle), we are the concreted essence of the Divine-made-Flesh and finding our way home to subtle divinity is something of a process, a chore & a challenging joy we must confront.
And as we seek & learn, we discover that our lives are infinitely complex. Something as “simple” as a heart muscle contains within it some 40,000 neurons (afferent neurons, motor (parasympathetic and sympathetic) neurons; and interconnecting local circuit neurons), and this base muscle matter functions as a kind of a little brain within our chests. How incredible is that?
… I bring this up with one intent: that is to get us thinking about just how complicated the things we take for granted really are. Everything from a garbage truck to a human body to the simplest of coffee beverages is the combination of intense design, detailed focus, and attention. Nothing is truly simple, save on the surface, and it behooves us to contemplate the complexity of Creation as we seek to work our magick upon it.
Even the smallest rituals go onto affect change upon tens of thousands of moving parts, I and we should take this into consideration each time we try to do something with sorcery. Don’t fall into the temptation of oversimplifying a thing out of impatience. Instead, take the time necessary to build healthy structures that can outlast & assist these complex mechanisms in their function. You will thank me, as your magickal work will become that much more powerful and successful.
Food for thought.