I hope that each and every one of you is keeping safe, and that those of you in Vegas are uninjured and in one piece. What happened last night was awful, and its pretty damned clear to me that the world needs a heck of a lot more good going on to offset the bad.
With this in mind, I am offering a kind of gris gris for free, today: a blessing bag. It's a material representation of good faith, good energy, positive vibes, and healing that you can carry around with you. This then allows you to become a beacon of light in a world that's got some issues, while allowing you to reap the benefits of doing so.
These are totally without cost, save shipping (8$ within the continental USA). If you want one, please drop me a line and send me your address. I have materials enough to make 23 of them, and these will be made for you, specifically.
Let's make some noise & try to sort this world out one step at a time. Thanks for reading.