Spirit relationships are something of a cornerstone of magical work. For some, they are the driving force behind any and all magic. For others, they're not really all that important, and basically get ignored until the individual has sufficient trouble arise. Relationships with spirits are like relationships with people or animal, and humans sometimes have the bad habit of ignoring their friends and family til they need something. I am guilty of this too, and I try to be fairly conscientious about it.
You do have a choice in what relationships you keep up with and which ones you choose to take no part in. When a relationship with an entity gets unhealthy, its time to either change the terms of the agreement or invite them to leave your life promptly. If you're going to start or end one, however, be aware of it before you do just that.
In choosing what to pursue and what to hold back from, it would be wise to analyze the effects your relationship has on you. As a general rule, any spirit that challenges you to excel is one you should probably keep talking with. The truly helpful ones are usually willing to let you get your butt kicked when you do something wrong.
The ones that take joy in it, however, or make promises they refuse to uphold are parasitic and should be removed from your presence immediately.
Long-term, anything that takes away from your ability to grow or otherwise makes life too easy should be avoided. We grow from hardship, so there are times where its best to embrace the troubles in the world and use them as fertilizer.
It is ok to test spirits, at that. If they've not earned your trust, you should give them a chance to do so. If they let you down without a valid reason, its time to let them go so you can spend your time working with more useful entities.
Be well,