"I had a Job Sabotage done on a very troublesome employee who was hateful and disrespectful toward me after I was promoted. After divination, it was decided to use troll magic and poison the heart of this person if she didn't change her ways. (She was given the option to improve or go in the spell.)
I slept very late on the day the spell started, which is not like me at all; usually I'm up before the sun. I also felt very relieved when I finally did wake up. That was on a Sunday.
The very next day, the hateful employee's behavior had done a 180. Her behavior continues to be one of respect towards me now even though it's been over a month since the working.
I am completely satisfied with this spell and I will use SE again. SE is a very effective Sorcerer and well worth the money."
Thank you for your feedback, Jeff!